Oat and Banana Cookies

Bolachas de Aveia e Banana

This snack is irresistible. You can make these cookies on a Sunday afternoon with your family and in a significant quantity. If kept in an airtight jar, they will keep for a few days.


3 crushed bananas;

1/3 of a glass of coconut oil;

2 glasses of oat flakes;

1/2 cup of dark chocolate chips or nuts (e.g. nuts).

1 teaspoon of vanilla essence.

Preparation method:

Mix all the ingredients very well in a bowl;

Line an oven-proof tray with parchment paper;

Using a spoon, make balls with the mixture and place them all over the tray;

Place in the oven at 180º C and let the cookies bake for 15-20 minutes;

Leave to cool and then store in an airtight jar.

As you can see, sending snacks to little ones is not that difficult and with some creativity you can even make them super fun, which will catch their attention.

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