Read, Try, Be Thankful. Nine Self-Care Gestures To Have With You Every Day

Leia, Experimente, Agradeça. Nove Gestos de Self-Care Para Ter Diariamente Consigo

Prioritizing and taking care of yourself is a fundamental act for yourself and those around you. Maintaining your inner strength means creating a foundation for tranquility to prevail and preventing moments of anxiety and agitation from perpetuating and taking over others.

If you feel low on energy, perhaps this is the ideal time to replenish yourself and take care of your vitality. There are a thousand and one ways to evoke the compassion you have for yourself and help you be present in each moment. So, if you need inspiration to try to find your strength, try one of these simple ideas, which won't take up much of your time (we promise).

Renew your energy and decorate your home with wild flowers.

Flowers can bring new life to your space, but you can simply choose to give them to yourself. Being invaded by the perfume and beauty of your favorite flowers can be an excellent way to start the day and transmute the surrounding energies.

Take off your shoes and get some fresh air.

They say that walking barefoot on the ground can bring us many health benefits – and who doesn't like the feel of sand or wet earth on their feet? It is a feeling of freedom that allows us to savor our nature and increase the Universe of sensations that we can enjoy.

Some studies reveal that the the fact that we take off our shoes and walk in direct contact with the ground connects intimately to the energy of the Earth. There is a direct relationship between our bodies and electrons on the ground. And since the planet has a charge natural, this connection ends up being much more effective when we decide take off your shoes and allow that contact.

Even though we know that we haven't welcomed the arrival of spring yet and that it can be very cold outside, it's worth wearing everything that will make you more comfortable and warm to go out for a quick walk. Being embraced by Nature is enough to help you feel calmer, more invigorated and with another motivation to face everyday life.

Read a book or a magazine.

If you like deeper reading, you can choose to start reading that book that was recommended to you some time ago and that you haven't read yet. On the other hand, if you prefer lighter and more disposable reading, you can always read a magazine. It's a good form of entertainment and can relax your thoughts before going to sleep.

Try a new recipe.

How about taking a little time to let your imagination run wild and try that recipe you’ve been thinking about preparing for a few months? Cooking is therapeutic (yes, only for some!). Get to work and don't think about the problems. Enjoy this moment.

Give thanks for the good things.

All moments are good to be grateful for the best things that happen to us. Practicing gratitude is a attitude that helps her remember why she got here and that can motivate you to continue doing the best for yourself, daily. Take note of three situations for which you feel grateful that day and know how to recognize everything that life has already gifted her.

Say “see you later” to your inbox.

It's time to put aside the multiple checking your email and successive visits to your social networks. Especially within the first hour after waking up, it can be very helpful to let the virtuality of side. Stop for a few moments and disconnect your mind from the hustle and bustle. Do a meditation and allow yourself not to think about anything for a few minutes.

Do exercise.

Grab your yoga mat and do some exercises that help you relieve accumulated tension. Stay active!

Take a relaxing bath.

Light some candles, put your phone on airplane mode and enjoy a nice bath. Exfoliate your skin, then apply your favorite moisturizer, put on your bathrobe and put on your slippers. Ending the day this way will leave you revitalized and feeling considerably lighter.

Get a facial.

Make a homemade mask or, after cleansing, use Gua Sha or a facial roller on your face. Inhale, exhale and relax. You'll feel like new.

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