Natural Juice to Leave Skin Luminous and Nourished

Exposing the skin to chemical products can yield quick results, but it ends up being harmful, causing the skin to age more quickly, depriving it of its natural glow. Fresh fruits and vegetables, on the other hand, are your skin's best friends, as they cleanse the system and provide the body with vital vitamins and minerals to help beautify it. Furthermore, the World Health Organization advises that you eat five portions of fruit and vegetables daily.

Protect your skin from the outside and leave it nourished from the inside. This juice contains vitamins, minerals and powerful antioxidants, which will make your skin look healthy, glowing and beautiful. Eat well, sleep more and prepare this recipe whenever you feel the need for deep natural hydration.


1 apple;

1 orange, cut in half and peeled;

4 carrots;

1/2 peeled cucumber;

A thumb-sized piece of ginger;

1/2 peeled lemon;

Water to dilute if necessary;

Healthy sweetener of your choice to enjoy.

Preparation method:

Place all ingredients in the blender and grind well. Add water if you think the juice needs to be diluted. You can add a healthy sweetener of your choice if necessary.

This recipe was taken from the Gourmandelle website.

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