Mushroom, Chorizo ​​and Halloumi Tacos

Want an unforgettable summer lunch? This is where Mexico and Cyprus meet... on a plate. Ingredients (for 8 servings): 500g of mushrooms, cut into quarters; 3 tablespoons of olive oil; 1 teaspoon of salt; 1 teaspoon of black pepper; 1 large cooked chorizo ​​sausage (125g) sliced ​​into pieces; 200g halloumi cheese, cut in half; 8 medium-sized tortillas , warmed; Chopped fresh peppers; Chopped coriander. Preparation method: Combine the mushrooms with olive oil, salt, pepper and oregano in a bowl. Place on the baking tray and cook in the oven at 200 degrees for 30 minutes. Remove, set aside and let cool slightly; Preheat some oil in a pan and cook the chorizo ​​over low heat for a few minutes until crispy. Remove and set aside; Fry the halloumi cheese for two minutes, until golden. Then, cut it into small, uniform slices; Combine the mushrooms, chorizo ​​and halloumi in a separate bowl. To make a taco, place 2 or 3 tablespoons of the mushroom mixture in a warmed tortilla . Garnish with fresh pepper and coriander and serve. Wash it down with a beer!

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