Brighter Skin With the Help of Collagen

Pele Mais Luminosa Com a Ajuda do Colagénio

Aging is inevitable, but the grace with which we age (both inside and out) asks us to continue taking care of ourselves and, above all, asks for collagen. No, we're not talking about injections! Read on to discover all the benefits of this magical protein.

What is collagen?

Collagen is a wrinkle-preventive protein that keeps skin supple and strong. It is often called the skin's structural network, and is responsible for smoothing fine lines and wrinkles, keeping the skin looking young and healthy.

Our collagen levels begin to naturally deplete around the age of 20. As a result, the skin becomes thinner and more fragile, making it important to replenish the levels of this substance in some other way.


Our bodies need vitamin C to synthesize collagen and, therefore, adding a serum based on this vitamin to your routine can help to naturally increase the production of this protein in the body.


One of the best-known benefits of collagen is its ability to give skin a healthy glow. Collagen takes on this role, providing elasticity to the skin, something that helps it look fuller and more youthful.


When combined with other powerful ingredients – vitamins, amino acids and hyaluronic acid – collagen creams can help revitalize the skin's surface and improve your complexion. Hydrated skin is healthier and younger-looking, which is why so many moisturizing products have peptides and antioxidants, which can help boost collagen.


This protein can help restore damage caused by sun exposure and other environmental factors. Protect the collagen you have naturally with the help of sunscreen, the true anti-aging product.


Thinning skin contributes to the appearance of cellulite, so keeping collagen levels high (something that translates into firmness and elasticity) will help make cellulite and stretch marks less dramatic.


In addition to supplementation (we have a new collagen-based gummy supplement in our online store, which you can purchase here ) , topical application is one of the most recommended by experts. Regardless of age, skincare products that contain collagen peptides can help minimize signs of aging. Discover our gummy food supplement formulated with hydrolyzed collagen, 80mg hyaluronic acid, vitamin C and coenzyme Q10, and keep your skin luminous and healthy — wrinkle-free, but full of expression.

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