These Are the Mistakes Not to Make to Be Productive While Teleworking

As we stumble through all the tasks on our list on a given work day, we feel like our lives are moving forward. But doing everything at the same time – and everything includes the message you send to your best friend, preparing your meals and the nap you want to take in the middle of the chaos – may not be the smartest idea in the world. After all, no one wants to email reports to their boss and come up with ideas for the next meeting while thinking about what they're going to have for lunch tomorrow. True?

These moments, somewhat As frustrating as they are, they have been experienced by practically all of us. How many Sometimes fulfilling his responsibilities seemed to him to be something absolutely impossible? The important thing is to know that being busy is a part fundamental aspect of our life, but at the same time, our level of Productivity is called into question when we drown in our obligations. Keep reading to find out what you need to stop doing – now – to become more productive.

Be constantly checking your cell phone.

Yes, it is very possible that Communicate with co-workers via your phone. The problem is that, With all the good things this has, come those that are not recommended – being instinctively consulting him is one of them. Share your breakfast, your Morning run; is later identified in another publication, browse pages full of inspiring phrases and, in the meantime, you have your list of tasks waiting for you. Result? Instead of staying informed with discipline, have fun.

The best thing is to turn off the cell phone while performing a task that cannot wait any longer. He can, Also, choose to place the phone out of reach while you need to to concentrate. Muting notifications will also help.

No set a schedule.

Behind a successful project, there is a person who followed a plan to the letter that helped them reach their goal. In moments when you think you don't have time, feelings of anguish and discouragement rise because you haven't set deadlines.

Creating a schedule, where establishes what you do and how long you have to do it, you will be assuming a much greater control over your tasks and you will be able to finish many of them (instead of spend all night trying to make that happen).

Make a schedule that you can always have close to you. Schedule your tasks based on priority them and give yourself something you like as a reward, after completing each task.

To sleep too.

Don't need to sleep for hours on end to have a quality level of proficiency. Just the your sleep lasts the recommended hours. This is because sleeping to compensate for your Sleep loss is not a good option. Taking a short 20-minute nap can seem harmless at first – but only until you realize that you are already three hours passed! Long naps don't just make you have more tasks to complete make you leave them until tomorrow. And that's not what if intends.

Avoid lying down or sitting in a place that is “too” comfortable to work. Establish a time to sleep and stick to it.

Compare yourself to others.

This is the worst mistake you can make commit. Comparing yourself to other people will quickly cloud your happiness when achieving your own goals. The lives of others are reachable when opening an application on the cell phone and reinforced by touch double of a finger in an image, but this cannot give rise to a comparison that does not It makes sense and it will make you feel like your life isn't good enough. Whenever you feel this discouragement, transform it into determination to maintain a positive attitude and hope for what is to come.

Disconnect from your cell phone and Focus on your next goals and the best way to achieve them. Discover a new hobby that fall in love.

Overload yourself.

We cannot do everything at the same time with the same quality. If you're under stress from all the freelance projects you've committed to, taking on another one might not be the best idea. It is necessary to establish priorities and understand that there are choices that have to be made. Even if you feel the need to do everything, the truth is that you are not Superwoman. If we continue to overload our schedules, our productivity will suffer. Be realistic and know how to recognize that your self-care is more important and that you don't need to sacrifice it to the detriment of completing your tasks.

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