Mini Iced Coconut and Strawberry Tarts

Hot summer days are coming! And there's no better time to try this fresh dessert, which is not only beautiful, it's simply delicious! Without flour or added sugar, with the texture of coconut combined with the sweetness of strawberries, these mini frozen pies are the perfect combination for after a family lunch!

Ingredients (for 6 units):

For the base:

140g of dried fruit (mix of almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts);

4 tablespoons of grated coconut;

3 tablespoons of coconut oil;

Cinnamon qb

For the coconut layer:

100g of room-tempered coconut milk;

60g grated coconut;

3 tablespoons of agave syrup (or honey).

For the strawberry layer:

120g coconut milk at room temperature;

60g grated coconut;

2 tablespoons of agave syrup (or honey);

120g of strawberries.

Preparation method:

Start with the base. In a processor or chopper, grind the dried fruits;

Fold in the grated coconut, a pinch of cinnamon and melted coconut oil;

Cover the bottom of six muffin pans with this mixture. Press with the help of the base of a glass and place in the refrigerator;

Meanwhile, prepare the coconut layer. Mix coconut milk with grated coconut and agave syrup;

Remove the molds from the fridge and divide this coconut cream between the six molds on top of the first layer. Put it back in the fridge;

Finally, the strawberry layer. In a bowl, place the remaining coconut milk, grated coconut, Agave syrup and strawberries;

Blend with a hand blender until you obtain a creamy and homogeneous mixture;

Remove the mini tarts from the fridge and divide the strawberry cream between the six, covering the coconut layer;

Place in the freezer for 3 hours and remove 15 minutes before serving;

Serve with fresh strawberries and coconut chips and enjoy!

Text: Andreia Gomes, digital content creator.

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