Mini Cheesecake

Opening a sunny week with something sweet is always a good idea. These mini cheesecakes promise to satisfy that desire for a serious dessert! They are fresh and healthy and do not go in the oven. Ingredients (for 4 people): For the crust: 1 glass of oats; 2 spoons of sliced ​​almonds; 2 puffed rice biscuits (crumbled); 1 tablespoon of almond or peanut butter; 2 tablespoons of honey. For the filling: 1 natural Greek yogurt; 4 teaspoons of unsweetened berry compote; Mint to decorate. Preparation method: Place all ingredients, with the exception of honey and butter, in a food processor and mix until everything is crushed. Melt the honey and butter in the microwave and mix with the previous mixture in the food processor until everything adheres; Remove and shape dough cups and place in the cold; Add the yogurt and jam filling when serving; Decorate with a mint leaf.

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