Metabolism. Four Ways to Boost You to Get a More Beautiful Body

We've all heard that to increase our metabolism, we just need to drink a miraculous tea that promises to move worlds and funds to reduce our weight. However, in truth, most tips like this are not based on evidence considered healthy and/or sustainable.

If you want to reduce your weight a little in a healthy way – there's nothing wrong with that – or if you simply want to improve your physical shape, keeping your metabolism active, we leave you with some scientifically proven methods that you can try.

Drink plenty of green tea or cold water.

Give Chinese medicine a chance and add green tea to your daily routine. According to some research, regular consumption of this tea – and also oolong tea – increases our metabolism.

Green tea is responsible for converting some of our fat reserves into free fatty acids, which can cause an increase of up to 17% in fat burning. Therefore, it is recommended that you drink between four and five cups a day, or prepare a bottle for the whole week to keep in the fridge and drink.

Some of the metabolic-enhancing actions associated with green tea are related to its caffeine content. Therefore, if you already drink a lot of coffee, this effect may be reduced.

Another drink that can work wonders is ice water (the simplest of all). It can help you trigger a calorie-burning effect in your body, keeping you fuller for longer. By drinking more water, you replace the consumption of sugary drinks or other drinks that do nothing to reduce your body weight, which makes this a smart decision in itself. However, there is another reason that makes this option more viable: the fact that your body needs to warm up, after hydrating it with water at a very low temperature, in order to stimulate the same thermal effect of burning digestion. of calories.

This is perhaps the simplest change you can make in this area; however, with great positive impact.

Increase your protein consumption.

Yes, it is true that our body receives energy from food, but in reality our body also uses that same energy to digest it. The digestion process also increases metabolism and the body needs to burn calories to ingest others.

By ingesting proteins, the body has a higher rate of the thermic effect of food (name of the process we talked about above). This way, and by reducing the empty carbohydrates and sugars in your diet, which are not nutritious and tend to cause the opposite effect to what you want, it will be much easier to prolong your metabolism.

Avoid a sedentary lifestyle.

A sedentary lifestyle and frequent sitting cause weight gain and also increase the risk of heart disease. In this sense, you can work standing up, at a table suitable for this purpose. Being upright keeps all parts of your body “working”, something that also increases your metabolism.

Get quality sleep.

Lack of sleep is strongly related to several health problems, including overweight problems.

When you don't get enough sleep, your body maintains increased blood sugar levels, which makes you feel hungrier, even when you should feel full. Try to sleep eight hours a day. If you need to, read our guide to stopping insomnia here, or purchase our activating gums for peaceful sleep .

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