Matcha Tea Ice Cream

To start the week off right, we bring you a delicious recipe that will allow you to enjoy ice cream without the guilt. The key to this dessert is replacing unhealthy ingredients with healthy alternatives.


1 can of coconut milk (whole milk);

1 cup of unsweetened almond milk;

3 tablespoons of matcha green tea powder;

1 cup of cashew nuts (previously soaked in water the night before);

½ cup of rice molasses;

A pinch of sea salt;

1 teaspoon of vanilla extract.

Preparation method:

Place the cashews and almond milk in a blender. Beat until you get a smooth and creamy texture;

Add the coconut milk, matcha tea, sea salt and rice molasses and beat for a few minutes until smooth;

Place the mixture in a container suitable for freezing and cover it;

Leave it frozen for 6 hours and beat it every hour to air it out;

Remove the ice cream 10-15 minutes before serving to allow it to soften;

Place in a bowl, sit back and enjoy.

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