Make Your Bedroom a Space of Serenity

Faça do Seu Quarto um Espaço de Serenidade

Winter, confinement, social isolation. The key requirements have been met to begin a true reorganization of the house. In recent months, our homes have become everything to us, as if they were our own little ecosystem. They are where we train, work, relax, sleep and eat.

The global panorama has invited us to learn new ways of establishing the limits between the time we are working, the time we take care of the house and the time we rest. All this in one space. This infinity of purposes therefore asks us to reformulate our different areas: color, lighting and the choice of art are fundamental to making a space what we really want it to be.

The first area you should pay the most attention to? Your bedroom. We spend more than a third of our lives sleeping and, therefore, the place we lie down every night must be optimized to promote quality sleep.


It's crucial to assess the symmetry of your room and try to build layers of functionality with storage, welcoming lighting and personal decor elements that convey well-being.

Your resting place should tell your story. If the bedside table is the first place you look when you wake up, make it contain elements that you like and that characterize you as an individual (the book you are reading, photographs of important moments or people, things you have purchased when traveling, etc.).

Relaxing environment

To make your space more cozy and comfortable, invest in good quality pieces that last. Natural woods, clean lines and a soft color palette add a timeless touch to any room, but the type of lighting you choose can also have a considerable influence on your well-being.

To ensure an ideal sleeping environment, it is important that the light is below eye level. Warm colored lamps, which lend intimacy, are a precursor to faster, more peaceful sleep.

Use aromatherapy in your nighttime routine, as it will help signal to your brain that it is time to sleep, combating the agitation of your mind and calming your senses. Enter our online store, through this link , and explore our essential oils to make this your new ritual.

Dream place

What better place to dream than your room? Restoring your body and mind will be much easier if your private space is organized according to your personal goals. It is important that this is a clean room – and without excess objects and information – to help you have a cleaner mind as well.

White candles, white sheets and calming music will also help to make your bedroom an oasis of serenity.

Listen to our Sleep Meditation podcast to begin a total peaceful transformation in your life.

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