Learn How to Protect Your Mental Health

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a global mental health crisis, projecting that by 2030, lifestyle and stress- related illnesses will overtake communicable diseases. It's time to prioritize the well-being of the mind.

There are many treatment hypotheses that are discussed to combat mental health problems, but it is important to highlight those that are based on evidence. Below, we leave you with the main strategies to protect your mental health, supported and approved by Psychology Today magazine.

Practice mindfulness , sleep well and eat well.

Be fully present in each moment and avoid judging your emotions and sensations in a hasty way. Find a positive side in every situation and savor everything that goes well in your life. Everything is temporary, and negative situations are no exception.

Having restful, quality sleep is also important for the correct functioning of your body. It is important that you prioritize your sleep, as not getting enough sleep causes you to lose concentration and lead to a bad mood. Sleeping well is one of the secrets to greater vitality.

A healthy diet is also crucial, as processed foods disrupt our brain and body. Consider using Ayurvedic medicine, which emphasizes eating according to your “dosha,” eating foods in the ideal location and season. Avoiding manufactured chemical products and prioritizing the consumption of natural and pure foods maximizes your well-being.

Use music as therapy.

Listen to music, dance, sing and repeat it all over again. Create a playlist with songs that give you hope to face everyday life and that can make you more excited in moments of apathy. Some neurologists claim that music can instantly change our mood and rescue us from a depressive moment.

Awaken your creativity and practice self-compassion.

Our brain benefits significantly from novelty and variety. The more art we offer you, the better your activity will be.

Don't try to sabotage your mind, or compare your goals and achievements to other people's. Don't be fooled by what you find on social media, or blindly believe people who present a picture of a perfect life – that's not their complete story.

Adopt a good spirit towards yourself and don't be too demanding on yourself. Practice self-compassion and put aside constant self-criticism, which is very harmful to your health and prevents you from being productive. Be your best friend and invest your time in activities that promote your vitality.

Value blessings and be in contact with Nature.

There are several studies that reveal that people who dedicate their time to contributing positively to the lives of others, and who prefer to live thinking about the collective (and not the individual), tend to prosper much more and feel more fulfilled. Along with this way of life, having a sense of humor is also a protective factor for our mental health. Taking life too seriously inhibits joy.

Spend time in green spaces and enjoy true communion with Nature, as it has a powerful impact on our state of mind. The brain, body and soul are grateful for these moments of connection with Mother Earth.

Be grateful for your achievements.

Several studies reveal that practicing gratitude considerably improves mental health. Sonja Lyubormirsky, professor and author of works related to happiness, explains that a sincere practice of gratitude, intermittent and intentional, is better than constantly using passive and automated expressions of gratitude.

Get therapy.

There are countless alternative therapies that you can use to achieve greater self-knowledge. The discovery consists precisely in discovering which one works best for you. Evidence-based treatment modalities, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, can help us develop a range of strategies to cope and achieve success.

You don't need to make the journey alone .

Healing, growth, resilience and well-being happen much more easily when we are willing to share what is part of us and let those we trust walk this path with us. When we can count on the support of those around us, everything becomes simpler. Relationships are clear protective factors and enhancers of better mental health.

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