Last Minute Waxing? Don't Make These Mistakes

Anyone who has never eliminated one or two hairs before leaving the house (with a razor) should use their first gillette . It's summer and all we want most is to be able to wear that floral dress or that classic skirt that goes well with everything. At a time like this, the truth is that our skin is much more exposed. The result? Waxing done in a hurry and at the last minute. This is because we don't want to give up an afternoon at the pool or a walk by the sea, to the detriment of having hair. So far, so good. The problem is the mistakes we make at times like these. Therefore, we decided to alert you to the cardinal sins we commit when it comes to hair removal during the summer season, so that you can prevent your skin from suffering the consequences in good time.

Did you know that you shouldn't be in the sun either before or after waxing?

It is confirmed that it is not just after waxing or laser hair removal that we should avoid sunbathing. In the 24 hours before and also in the 24 hours after, it is important to avoid exposure to the sun's rays, especially in cases of laser hair removal. This happens because our skin is much more sensitive and susceptible to possible allergies that may arise from this.

Do not eliminate hair in the week before your period arrives.

This is a phase in which our entire organism is doubly sensitive – and our skin is no exception. We should avoid shaving at this time, as the pain will be much greater than usual and, at the same time, we will have to deal with the possibility that the follicles may swell much more than necessary.

Cleaning and hydration: always.

Cleansing and exfoliating the skin before waxing is really essential, as these two gestures help to eliminate the remains of moisturizing creams and sunscreens, as well as helping to expel dead cells. This type of care will allow our pores to breathe and, at the same time, facilitate the extraction of hair in delicate areas, preventing folliculitis (inflammation of the hair follicles).

The lack of criteria when choosing creams.

It is important to be aware that we must protect ourselves from the sun's rays with a sunscreen with as high an SPF as possible. It is best to use light sunscreens to avoid clogging your pores. However, be aware that you should choose a mineral protector instead of a chemical cream. Also pay attention to the importance of avoiding using perfumed creams after shaving (in the same way, none of the products you use in the post-hair removal phase should contain alcohol, as this could cause irritation and/or resulting greater pigmentation high sun exposure).

Cold water or hot water?

Hot water baths should be avoided, as the effect it will have on the hair may prevent us from achieving the desired waxing result.

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