Kombucha: Life-Giving Drink

It is an ancient fermented tea full of benefits and with much more potential than we imagine. Kombucha is a true wonder of the world of teas and there is still a lot to be said about everything it does for our health.

What are the benefits of this drink?

Presenting a green (or black) tone, kombucha is rich in vitamin B and can have positive repercussions on the health of our heart and liver, according to most of the research carried out in the area.

In addition to allowing the elimination of harmful bacteria from the body and combating numerous diseases that we may be close to contracting, this tea from Japan (and China) contains microorganisms that largely improve the functioning of our intestines.

How to prepare it?

Preparing this drink with detoxifying power is not a process similar to preparing any other tea. This is a fermented drink, made using a fungus ( scoby ) that floats in tea for one or two weeks, enhancing the yeast that metabolizes the sugar into bacteria that turn into vinegar.

What's different from other teas?

The benefits of drinking something like this are quite similar to those we can get when drinking green tea – one of the healthiest drinks ever – because the plant compounds found in both versions are quite similar. According to some research, regularly drinking these teas can help burn more calories and control blood sugar.

Rich in probiotics, this infusion has a really healthy effect on us, especially on our digestive system. We can buy it in stores like Celeiro or make it at home, the safest option being the first, as it is not advisable for it to be fermented in excess.

Other interesting facts you should know before trying this drink

Behind all the labels given to it, there are countless surprising facts about this drink. A perfect substitute for sugary drinks, kombucha is also an excellent way to add a touch of distinct flavor to certain cocktails – you can add it to a margarita, for example. The possibilities are limited to your imagination.

Some people argue that this tea is almost as addictive as coffee or other common teas, something that can be really useful, as it doesn't have a high calorie count and can be enjoyed without guilt or regret.

There is, moreover, a relationship between kombucha and beer, as both are fermented drinks and both contain alcohol as a byproduct of the fermentation process. Although beer has a wide range of alcohol contents, depending on the brewery and beer style, the average is 4.5% alcohol by volume. Most commercially available kombuchas ferment to an alcohol content of 0.05%. For this reason, the drink can be sold without the restrictions imposed on other alcoholic beverages. You already know which tea you have to try the next time you get together with your friends at your house.

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