Japanese Water Therapy: the Benefits

The most “golden” hours are the first hours of the morning. If we start our day with a healthy gesture – drinking water with lemon, meditating or exercising – we can determine how it will go.

According to the Japanese, one of the fundamental habits to stay healthy is to drink water first thing in the morning, when you wake up, on an empty stomach – and since they are one of the people with the highest longevity rate in the world, it might be a good idea to believe them. .

Similar to water therapy in Ayurveda, Japanese water therapy has been around for a long time, being extremely popular not just in Japan but across the world. Since water is a great source of life and a necessary element for all cells and functions of the human body, traditional Japanese medicine states that the ideal is to drink drinking water immediately after waking up, thanks to all the undeniable benefits that this offers health.

Considered a natural remedy and a successful treatment by the Japanese medical society, this therapy, which consists of a morning ritual of drinking several glasses of water, can help cure headaches, heart problems, gastritis, diabetes, colds, menstrual disorders and eye problems.

How to put this therapy into practice?

If you have kidney problems or serious health problems, it is best to speak to your doctor before taking the first steps in this treatment. If you want to try it, we explain what you need to do:

  • After waking up, drink four glasses of room temperature (or slightly warm) water before doing anything else (even before brushing your teeth);
  • After finishing drinking the water, fast for 45 minutes;
  • At the end of this time, you can eat and drink normally;
  • After each meal, do not eat or drink anything for two hours.

This is a treatment that must be done continuously, so that it becomes a routine in your life.

The Japanese and Chinese defend the benefits of this practice, particularly favoring drinking water at a hot temperature. At the same time, Ayurvedic medicine reinforces this theory, stating that drinking liquids that are too cold can cause health problems.

Benefits in weight loss

This treatment can help you lose weight through calorie restriction. If you replace sugary drinks or soft drinks with water, your calorie intake will automatically decrease. Additionally, spending two hours without eating or drinking after each meal can also help you consume fewer calories. By drinking more water, you will feel fuller and this will help you maintain your weight (or even lose it).

Care to be taken

Restricting the calories you consume too much can have the opposite effect to what you want, causing you to gain weight again after finishing this treatment. Everything that is practiced in excess is negative. Therefore, pay attention to this point.

It is not advisable to drink more than a liter of water per hour, as this is the maximum amount that a healthy person's kidneys can handle at one time. What can be considered excess water depends on factors such as the person's age, physical fitness level, weight and weather conditions.

Remember to speak to your doctor before starting this type of therapy.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, advice or treatment. No information contained in this article or otherwise provided on frederica.pt is intended to diagnose, treat or cure any patient or should be considered as medical advice or the practice of medicine.

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