Japanese Design for Minimalist Interior Decoration

Design Japonês Para Uma Decoração de Interiores Minimalista

Japan, what an imposing and inspiring place. Fascinating us with its cultural diversity and being excellent in combining conventional customs and avant-garde practices, this country follows the basis of ethical principles concerning respect and love for others, generosity that, having emerged in the past, continues in the present , in a lifestyle that also encompasses aesthetics and interior design .

Balance, order and love of natural beauty are basic elements of what is part of the genesis of Japanese architecture. Once in Japanese design , all paths lead us to organization, cleanliness, beauty. It is pure and hard minimalism, establishing at all times an unshakable bridge with a stratosphere that strives for tranquility.

Hand in hand with serenity comes simplicity, in one of the first concepts integrated into Japanese culture. With a refined cultural sense, the Japanese style favors peace and harmony in the home, in a clearly evident healing aspect.

Bringing Nature into your home is the best way to enhance your respect for all the natural elements that surround us, which is one of the fundamental characteristics of Japanese cultural decoration. Therefore, it will always make sense to decorate your spaces with bamboo, as well as other plants, as long as they are real, without too many floral arrangements and following as simple a line as possible. Grand, wide windows are also an integral part of Japanese style rules, intended to allow one to take in a full view of the natural world outside.

Making use of wooden elements is also another of the concepts that are included here, in order to provide a perfect balance between the environment and the harmony of the home, as there is a calming effect associated with natural wooden objects.

But how to qualify an authentic Japanese house? Simple and unobstructed, that's how it is intended to be. Few furniture, modern and natural lighting and purpose associated with each structure, where nothing should be out of order or without an inherent usefulness. Therefore, we must abandon everything that is not essential to us.

The Wabi-sabi philosophy plays a leading role in this topic. This tells us about the importance of knowing how to recognize beauty in everything that is imperfect. Impermanence and the passage of time make it important to know how to look at the world from this perspective, as the Japanese people believe that the wear and tear of things generates harmony and also nostalgia. Ma and Genkan are other concepts that take shape within a purely Japanese interior design , with the first aiming at the perfect balance between a space and the objects present in it, where less is more, and the second favoring the importance of the hall . entrance to welcome those who visit us.

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