Is Color an Appetizer for Our Sex Life?

When you think of the word “aphrodisiac,” you probably imagine oysters on the half shell, or perhaps a bowl of fondant with strawberries and chocolate. But consumer goods aren't the only form of non-sexual stimulation that can help us get in the mood. In fact, of all the world's many aphrodisiac accessories, perhaps the most psychologically fascinating is also inescapable: color.

This is not a new concept, per se. It has always been argued that red has sensual connotations – just think of fiery red lipstick or lingerie for Valentine's Day – or that black suggests things like seduction and mystery. But there is a field of study behind this: chromotherapy. There are specific colors that can provoke different neural reactions. So, while certain colors can help us relax or unwind, others can help us stay focused or become more alert. Still others can light the fire within us. So, perhaps it's worth knowing a little about the relationship between color and sensuality.


We start with the worst option. Gray is rendered as a notably cold and austere color. It's the robot's tone. And the last thing you want when things are heating up is a recurring mental image of your doctor's office.


There's a reason why most hospitals equip their waiting rooms in shades of green: it's the color of healing. Most of the colors we deeply associate with Nature are good for our brains, and green is, of course, the most potent. Therefore, although it is not exclusively erotic, a little more green in the house can only bring benefits.


Studies have shown that blue is an excellent color to wear to a job interview because it can help you appear poised, professional, and trustworthy. While these are also things you'd probably like your partner to feel for you, they're not necessarily the essential prerequisites for great sex. Therefore, it is best to opt for a warmer tone to spice up the relationship.


Technically, black isn't a color, but when it comes to selecting lingerie , it certainly is. And, according to a 2010 survey, most people prefer their partners in black (rather than red) underwear. It's seductive, mysterious and, of course, very sexy .


As cliché as it may be, red is considered the color of passion. It is said to increase our heart rate and energy levels while also bringing intensity. Therefore, it may not be the ideal color for the bedroom walls. Instead, incorporate this shade into cushions, lingerie or flowers.


While it's an excellent choice for a home office, yellow may not be the color you want to wear to bed at night. Psychologists have found that couples are more likely to argue in yellow rooms and that babies are also more likely to cry. Because light reflects at a higher intensity in brighter colors, yellow can be irritating – and therefore unromantic.


While we may believe that red and pink are quite aligned with a fertile sex life, know that this is not always the case. In reality, soft roses can suggest tender or nurturing feelings, which are more associated with a sense of calm rather than hustle and bustle between the sheets.


People with brown painted walls supposedly have more sex. Apparently, this shade resembles chocolate, which is a scientifically proven aphrodisiac. And if the walls don't attract you, maybe consider using a shirt in this color as a gateway to incredible moments for two.

Article translated and adapted The Maudern

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