Improve Your Meditation Practice With Aromatherapy

Meditation can be challenging, but just a few drops of essential oils can help you improve your meditative routine.

The busy modern life catapults the importance of meditation. And although this practice allows us to relax our mind and take a little vacation from stress , it is not always easy to create a meditative routine and promote healthy and positive mental contemplation.

The secret to making this process much easier and more beneficial may lie in one of our five senses: smell. When we focus on the present, our ability to feel intensifies, so by using aromatherapy to complement our meditation, we can achieve greater clarity and peace of mind, promoting our spiritual connection and relaxation.


The scientific community has discovered that there are some aromas capable of slowing our heart rate and helping the body to relax, such as lavender, known for improving sleep quality, reducing anxiety and combating insomnia.

In addition to wearing comfortable clothes, having your space organized and having the ideal music (or desired silence) for your meditative practice, including a specific aroma in this ritual will enrich it and make it even more special. Try massaging your temples with lavender essential oil to slow down your nervous system. Gently inhale this essence and let your mind and body enter a journey of deep serenity.


Incorporating essential oils into meditation can help center the mind and dispel negative energy. We can choose to use an aromatic diffuser to let the essential oil release into space so that we can inhale it. This inhalation can help stimulate the senses, leaving us more serene and creating the necessary concentration environment so that the focus remains on the present moment. We can also apply essential oils directly to the skin during any meditative practice: on the palms of the hands, pulse points or temples, for example.

Try our essential oils to obtain all the therapeutic benefits during your serenity rituals and improve your meditations with our products, which are completely natural and suitable for this purpose.

Because essential oils are extremely pure, they must be diluted in a carrier oil (example: coconut oil) or skin cream to ensure their safety. Test a small area of ​​your skin with the diluted oil and, if it reacts, you will need to dilute the oil further or choose a different scent. If you are pregnant, you should consult your doctor before using any essential oil.


According to several aromatherapy experts, lavender and peppermint are some of the best essential oils to help us relax, thanks to their calming properties. But there are other options capable of reducing tension in the body and mind, helping to eliminate negative thoughts and strengthening the ability to concentrate.

Chamomile essential oil

This oil is perfect for promoting rest and sleep. Chamomile helps to relax and combat anxiety, providing greater mental clarity. This oil is useful for meditating while trying to expel the anger and stress that reside within you, as well as headaches or depressive states.

Sandalwood essential oil

The sweet, woodsy aroma of sandalwood has been used for thousands of years in Asian spiritual practices. Sandalwood oil has a calming scent that also works as a natural sedative, making it ideal for relaxing the body and enabling a successful meditation practice.

Lavender essential oil

Lavender essential oil is one of the most recommended for improving our physical and psychological well-being. It has excellent calming and tranquilizing power, reducing our stress levels, helping to eliminate anxiety and depression, and is also useful for reducing headaches and insomnia.

Neroli essential oil

According to research, Neroli improves mood, reduces anxiety and promotes general well-being. Used during meditation, it can help promote self-love and acceptance, inspiring creativity. Its spiritual and physical effects can help you with your mindfulness practices, stimulating clarity and peace of mind.

Peppermint essential oil

Deeply refreshing and calming, peppermint oil strengthens concentration. Just a few drops of this oil are enough to promote mental clarity during meditation, especially in the morning and during breathing exercises. Peppermint also brings cheer and energy on days when sadness or laziness knocks on the door.

Ylang-Ylang essential oil

Ylang-ylang has a multitude of health benefits and affects our emotional balance and cardiovascular and hormonal systems. Widely used in aromatherapy, it is capable of calming feelings of stress , anxiety and sadness. Its antidepressant properties not only dissipate negative emotions, but also promote positive feelings of joy and optimism, improving our mood. Use this oil to add a little more joy to your meditations.

frederica essential oils

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