Ice, Ice, Baby

It's summer. And with the heat all we want to do is keep the freezer piled high with ice cream, as if it were an emergency kit . So, take note of this delicious recipe.

Ingredients (for 4 people): 10 large or 15 medium strawberries; 1 spoon full of coconut chips; 1 natural yogurt (125g); 1 coffee cup of water; Mint to taste.

Preparation method: Grind the strawberries, mint and water until smooth. Add the coconut chips and mix with a spoon; Divide the mixture between the ice cream molds. Add a little natural yogurt to the top of each mold and, using a toothpick or handle of a spoon, mix a little to give a marbled effect; Place in the freezer overnight. Finally, unmold and devour!

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