How to Strengthen Your Faith in the Universe?

Como Fortalecer a Sua Fé no Universo?

In a world so focused on technology, what saves us? Perhaps the answer lies in faith. Is it an antidote to fear? There are those who believe that each of us has a responsibility to make the world better, that we are all interconnected, and that now is the time to examine what role we will play in shaping the future. It's important to find ways to practice gratitude, build a foundation of faith, and consciously expand our energy. But how to do it?

If you often feel discouraged or insecure about your place in the world, then perhaps it is time to begin a practice of faith. Because if energy follows thought, only good things can emerge from there.

What does it mean to have faith?

Faith is outside the limits of religion, being universal. The only requirement for having faith is to believe in something with complete confidence. From this belief, we can relax our body and mind, knowing that everything will work perfectly.

Faith is not a replacement for facts. It's our kind of attitude towards chaos and uncertainty. Having faith can activate positive thoughts and relieve stress . When we believe in something greater than ourselves – in the Universe, in God, in Nature, in the Higher Self or in any other energy – we begin to adopt a broader affirmative mentality.

When we practice our faith, through readings, prayers, meditations, yoga or other practices, we strengthen and build more positive attitudes, creating a healthy balance in the body. Dedicate five minutes at the same time every day to do an activity that opens your heart and relaxes your mind.

Build your faith

Building our faith can be a slow process, it does not happen automatically. Life is always testing us and our ability to believe is also being tested.

If you want to increase your faith in the Universe – if you want to give it another name, that's free – we leave you with some suggestions to make this inner process easier.

Make a pray.

Prayer is essential for strengthened faith, as it establishes a connection between us and the energy that guides and helps us. Start by having a personal conversation, a dialogue, with what you believe in. You can do this internally, physically (through writing) or verbally, when you are alone.


Meditation will help you develop higher levels of consciousness. Learning to have faith in the Universe is a new level of consciousness. As you meditate, you become more sensitive to your thoughts, feelings and actions, noticing a connection between the three. Over time, it will be easier to act and make the necessary changes.

Make affirmations in your favor.

When something happens that you can't understand why or causes you concern and discomfort, you can say something like, "I have faith and know that what is happening is for my highest good." By repeating this statement, you will gain greater acceptance of the facts, believing, for example, that if something didn't go as you expected, it is probably because there is something better waiting for you. And it is this belief that will take you further, instead of awakening feelings of hatred and revolt in you that only create blockages in your life.

Learn to breathe.

By inhaling and exhaling, it is possible to release enormous accumulated tension. In moments when you find it most difficult to have faith, a simple breath can bring you space and clarity. From there, you can now choose the path of faith. Inhale, counting to four, and exhale, counting to four again. Repeat this small exercise for as long as necessary and feel your body and mind relaxing.

Source: Paula D. Jones

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