How to Spend Your Time Healthier and Happier

Recent events have brought health awareness to the forefront of human consciousness. And what does this mean? It means that we are becoming more motivated than ever to explore new behaviors in our lifestyle, especially those that lead to more protected immunity, a stronger body and longevity.

Just as science reveals that some foods are harmful to our health and that others, in turn, are beneficial to us, it has also been discovered that certain habits we have do not contribute to our well-being, unlike others, which play into this favor.

Frederica investigated and brought together a set of practices that help us make the most of our time and lead a happier life, with health, resilience and success. To find out, below.

Define the time that is (not) well spent

I'm sure we'll all have a different view of what it means to make the most of our time. But one version is the one where, looking back, we can feel good about what we did. For some people, this may mean achieving something more in their careers; for others, it may represent an opportunity for new lifestyle habits. It's your choice. Try to follow her.

Look inside

Sometimes we avoid something – consciously or unconsciously – because facing it is uncomfortable. This happens with college assignments, work assignments or deeper personal issues. In an attempt to move away from this discomfort, our mind goes into a natural search for something to distract it. However, it is important to note that we may be trying to escape something that could even be positive for us.

A gratitude journal, meditation and conversations with friends are healthy ways to help identify what we are trying to avoid.

On the other hand, we have a great enemy: boredom. This unpleasant feeling is, in most cases, overcome by using technology.

When you feel upset, observe that feeling for a while before reacting to it. When you do, do so through activities that are healthy and rewarding for you, without regretting what remains to be achieved.

The science of empathy

Mirror neurons. Have you heard of it? When we tell an engaging story, the neurons of the other person listening to us fire in the same way as ours. This effect is the science of empathy, which helps us make connections and promote relationships, something that, for us, is synonymous with happiness. So even when the unexpected happens, think about the story it offers us to tell later.

Live according to the time you have

Do we have as much time as we believe? Maybe not. Considering that, per day (if you are teleworking), you work eight hours, spend seven hours sleeping and still spend some of your time eating meals and other mandatory tasks, you only have around five or six hours left to spend. Dedicate yourself to what really gives you pleasure. And in the midst of all this, you still have to take care of your relationships or take care of other mandatory matters.

If you think about it this way, you quickly understand the need to make the most of your time, spending energy on what really matters.

Virtual reality

Yes, your cell phone puts more information at your fingertips than you could get in the world's great libraries. The question is: does he make her happy? Science proves the opposite and shows that we are happier when we spend more time away from this weapon of mass distraction and, also, when we spend more time in contact with Nature.

Give meaning

Many of us believe that the best life is the one we achieve when the work is done and we can finally head to the couch or lounge chair. However, some research reveals that we are more likely to be happier when we face some type of difficult and significant challenge. Try to make there more space for this departure from the comfort zone.

Practice activities that awaken your altruistic side and that, instead of separating you from others, connect you with them.

Unusual Experiences

Plan “peak experiences” to live after these times of social isolation. Something new and unusual that gives you a sense of wonder, like enjoying the view from the top of a mountain or watching the stars at night.

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