How to Replenish Vitamin D Levels Without Sun Exposure?

The Sun is the greatest biological protector that Nature offers us. And when we can't leave the house to catch some of its wonderful rays, there are other ways to replenish our vitamin D levels.

Deficit levels of this vitamin are apparently related to a wide range of diseases, whether autoimmune or even depression, with its absence also being involved in issues linked to cardiovascular diseases. This means that there are certain risk factors for hypovitaminosis D (lack of sun exposure, poor eating habits and also intestinal absorption) that must be combated as much as possible.

Tobacco, in combination with a poor diet, also hinders better and greater production and absorption of vitamin D in our body, something that can influence our health.

The relationship with the protection of the immune system

Vitamin D is necessary for the proper functioning of the immune system, which is the body's first line of defense against infections and diseases. This vitamin plays a critical role in promoting the immune response, having anti-inflammatory properties and being crucial for activating the immune system's defenses.

According to Healthline , it is known that vitamin D improves the function of immune cells and that low levels of it are associated with greater susceptibility to certain pathologies.

At this stage, when we are at home and can only go out for strictly necessary situations, it is not so easy to enjoy direct exposure to the Sun so that it is possible to absorb the benefits of this protective element. But luckily, there are several ways to get your recommended daily dose.

Below, find out how you can absorb this vitamin, through simple gestures that don't involve going outside.

Sit by the window.

Try sitting next to an open window for a while. This can help not only get vitamin D, but also improve your mood a little. If you have a balcony, even better. Enjoy the sun's rays for 10 minutes a day.

Look for foods fortified with vitamin D.

Consider consuming some foods enriched with vitamin D, such as selected cereals, oats, orange juice, fish, plant-based milks and plant-based yogurts.

Orange juice, in addition to providing an abundance of vitamin C, is also a great way to get a little more vitamin D into our system.

On the other hand, cooking a few eggs can also be truly effective at this point, mainly due to the yolk, which is extremely rich in this nutrient. If you really want to strengthen your system, make a mushroom omelet, as they are also a great source of vitamin D.

Because there are few foods that naturally contain high levels of this vitamin, this element is often added to basic products in a process known as fortification. Some examples are cow's milk, almond or soy milk, ready-to-eat cereals, some types of yogurt and tofu.

Eat a diet rich in calcium.

Vitamin D and calcium work together to strengthen bones. Make sure you get enough calcium in your meals. Remember to include dairy products and vegetables in your diet.

Take a supplement.

Considering that you may still be at home for a while – and that you probably won't be eating as much fresh produce as usual – taking a high-quality multivitamin supplement could be the ideal solution for these times.

Practice physical exercise.

Regular physical exercise is a valuable aid in the production of vitamin D. Some research suggests that certain types of training reduce the risk of heart disease, something that may be due to the fact that they increase the presence of this nutrient in the body. This situation can also happen more specifically to those who train outdoors, as in this circumstance we tend to be more exposed to the Sun.

How do you know if you are at risk of having low levels of this vitamin?

If you have naturally very dark skin, receive little or no sun exposure, have a medical condition that affects vitamin D metabolism or take certain medications, you may be at risk of low levels of this nutritional component. Talk to your doctor to understand what type of solution will make the most sense for you.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, advice or treatment. No information contained in this article or otherwise provided on is intended to diagnose, treat or cure any patient or should be considered as medical advice or the practice of medicine.

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