How to Prevent and Combat Stretch Marks

Como Prevenir e Combater as Estrias

More than just a consequence of the changes that occur in our body during puberty or pregnancy, stretch marks are marks on the skin that affect all types of women, regardless of ethnicity or demographic group to which they belong.

Although they are typically associated with pregnancy, these marks can appear whenever we gain a little weight, and there is no proven way to prevent or completely erase them. This type of scar occurs when the skin is unable to return to its normal shape after a period of intense growth, usually due to pregnancy or weight changes.

In what situations do stretch marks appear?

Anyone can develop stretch marks, although they tend to affect more women than men. They do not cause pain or health problems, but their appearance is not always to the liking of those who have them.

Weight changes cause the skin to need to stretch. When this happens too quickly, the collagen and elastic tissues in the skin can break down, causing stretch marks. Over time, the lines usually fade and become less noticeable. However, they may not disappear completely.

During pregnancy, hormones can soften skin fibers, making you more prone to stretch marks. As the baby grows, the skin stretches, which can cause some itching.

The most affected areas of the body are:







Stretch marks are easily diagnosed based on a skin examination and a review of a person's medical history. The doctor will ask questions based on signs and symptoms, as well as medications being taken or existing medical conditions.


Stretch marks are seen as an aesthetic complaint and their treatment is not always as effective as would be desired. In addition to using some oils and creams, using makeup can also be useful for hiding certain lines in more exposed areas of the body.


We cannot always prevent stretch marks from occurring. However, there are some ways to reduce the likelihood of its appearance.

Eat a healthy diet.

The collagen fibers in the skin are necessary to keep it taut, and the stronger they are, the less likely they are to create stretch marks. Therefore, it makes sense to eat foods rich in vitamins E and C and zinc, which help to form collagen. Vitamin C, in particular, is an important antioxidant that helps protect tissue against damage. Vitamin D is essential for healthy skin and can be obtained through sun exposure. Drinking enough water is also essential.

Practice exercises.

Exercising regularly can help with weight loss. In addition to increasing energy levels, reducing mood swings, improving sleep patterns and improving a person's overall self-esteem, exercise can also help prevent stretch marks by improving circulation, something that keeps skin elastic and more capable. to stretch.

Use sunscreen.

UV rays damage the skin's collagen and elastin, which can increase the likelihood of marks forming. It is important to apply sunscreen daily and allow it to be absorbed 30 minutes before exposure to the Sun, reapplying it at least every two hours.

Keep the skin supple .

In addition to ensuring you keep your skin supple by eating the right foods and exercising, applying the right products topically is essential. An example of this are our butters , ideal for pregnant women, those planning a pregnancy or for anyone who has stretch marks. They contain a mixture of oils that increase skin elasticity, prevent the formation of stretch marks and are available in two different scents: mango and strawberry/vanilla . Purchase them in our online store, using this link .

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