How to Prepare for a Different Christmas

We are approaching the end of one of the most challenging years of our lives. And the truth is that, as much as we want it, we cannot say that the way we will live this Christmas will be exactly the same as in previous years.

This year, Christmas preparations require a little more work. Therefore, we have some ideas to make your court as safe – and special – as possible.


This year everything is different. This time, it’s not enough to decorate the house for its own sake. Cleaning and disinfection are two points not to be neglected when preparing your home for Christmas 2020.

Consider having some additional products at home on this date, namely:

  • Face masks (keep some extra masks on hand in case anyone forgets);
  • Hand sanitizer (have hand sanitizer at every entrance or exit to your home, in the kitchen and in the bathrooms and make sure it is based on at least 60% alcohol);
  • Disposable cutlery (although not as environmentally friendly, they represent the most practical way to ensure a little more safety at this stage, as well as the use of paper plates, cups and napkins that can be discarded);
  • Paper towels (swap regular hand towels for single-use disposable paper hand towels).


It's really important that you make it easy for your guests to social distance. In addition to preventing your family members from staying overnight at your home, there are other ways to minimize exposure to the virus and ensure social distance while you are together:

  • Keep coats, wallets and other personal items separate as much as possible;
  • Avoid giving welcome hugs (if you really want to hug, wear your mask to limit the risks);
  • Limit the surfaces guests can touch and disinfect them throughout the stay.


Food safety is one of the most important parts of preparing for Christmas this year:

  • Encourage all your family members to wash their hands before and after eating;
  • Offer disposable options for seasonings;
  • Try single-serving meal options;
  • Assign only one person to serve the food at each meal.

Remember to make your home environment cozy so that this season can be lived in the best way. If you spend this Christmas season alone, lean on everything that brings you peace and let yourself be supported by the comfort and joy that Christmas traditions and teachings can bring you.

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