How to Make the Most of the Weirdest Summer Ever

Let us guess: you have no positive expectations for your summer and have no idea how you will spend it. This feeling is perfectly natural, and the truth is that we all feel this way. The summer of 2020 will inevitably be unlike any other. But just because it's different doesn't mean it has to be boring.

With the summer solstice marking the start of the new season, follow our recommendations to make the most of the warm, sunny days, to enjoy the simpler things in life – even while we still can't return to our old habits.

Learn something new.

This could even be the right time to take an online course. You can learn a new language or take a workshop on a topic that interests you. Whether it's to cultivate your enthusiastic side about a certain subject, or to open horizons and throw yourself headlong into something new, don't miss the opportunity you're being given. Because yes, a calmer summer can also be a summer to enrich yourself on all levels, including the intellectual.

Recreate small moments.

We can still evoke the senses of eternal and wonderful summer trips, at home. The smell of an early evening barbecue; the sound of crickets singing outside at dusk; the glass of wine we love to drink at the most golden hour of all. All of this can be recreated in our home! And why not have an indoor or outdoor picnic? Create and transform your reality to feel happier.

Get your summer reading ready.

How about preparing a summer vacation reading list? We have some literary suggestions available in our online store – How Meditation Can (or Cannot) Change Your Life ; Zen Mind ; Beginner's Mind ; Crystals ; Cool Dog ; among many others – perfect for all tastes and goals (go to this link to purchase them ).

Once you have chosen the books that will accompany you, turn off your cell phone, find a comfortable, sunny area (it could be next to a window or even outside) and enjoy reading outdoors. Imagine you are in the pool and enjoy the silence as you dive into the pages that could change your life.

Make a playlist with the songs that make you happiest.

Everything will depend on your musical taste, but the truth is that this year some albums were released that deserve to be included in any summer playlist that wants to take us away.

Choose the songs that are good for you and bring together your favorite albums in a playlist worthy of an escape, to enjoy wherever and however you want. This way, not even the haziest days will be sad.

Be adventurous and discover – in your own way!

Far-flung adventures may be out of the picture for the foreseeable future, but taking an imaginary trip has never been easier. From virtual festivals, where you can sit in the front row without leaving the couch, to cultural exhibitions, plan your summer calendar. At the same time, enjoy the parks and tourist attractions in your region and incorporate vacation habits into your daily routine. Also remember to take the opportunity to renovate the space where you spend most of your time: take notes from interior designers on the best ways to introduce self-care habits into your home. There's still time to make this the best summer of your life. It's in your hands.

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