How to Live in the Moment and Be Fully Present at the End of the Year Celebrations?

Como Viver o Momento e Estar Totalmente Presente nos Festejos de Fim de Ano?

Whatever we are, wherever we are – the important thing is to be and be completely. This is the time of year when we prepare to be with our family, but do we really have to go on long trips to avoid failing in a plan that could be mistaken for a kind of family and traditional obligation? There are multiple perspectives and different ways of understanding this issue.

Why don't we find one balance between time spent alone and time spent in company from friends or family? We can – and should – create our own tradition. Because at the end of the day, the important thing this season is for us to relax and spend some quality time with those dear to us.

Between family gatherings, parties and tables filled with sweets, this season is not just about fun and joy, but also about more nostalgic and not-so-sparkly emotions. This year, how about we try to avoid stress and truly enjoy this moment of communion?

Thanking is the key

What truly connects us with our surroundings is gratitude. According to great philosophical minds, it is one of the greatest driving forces behind prosperity. When we adopt an attitude of gratitude towards what surrounds us, we adopt a positive position and transmute the energy that makes us least happy. Feel the aromas left over from Christmas, see beauty in the imperfect and listen carefully to every sound. There is always something to be thankful for.

Choose what matters

Saying “yes” to someone often means giving up on another person or situation. Life is made of choices and, as such, you will have to prioritize and choose what really makes you feel best. Your time is valuable. Lean back on your sofa, grab your notepad and write down everything you want to really be part of this season.

Savor the season

We know that feast days are greedy days. True? The difficult thing is to resist what the family table offers us. But if it's only once a year, why not? Still, only eat what you really like and make the most of the unique flavor of family dishes.


This time of year, it's easy get lost in the endless number of commitments and tasks that we believe we can to arrive. It is not uncommon for us to focus on what is missing and move forward mentally for what's next on the agenda. Result? We forget what It's happening all around us. Take time to step back and breathe bottom, to finalize your plan or to go for your usual walk.

Also take the opportunity to leave put away your phone. You don't need to document your experiences anymore intimate and meaningful experiences on your social networks. Save these moments special ones in a place of your own, even if the online world calls for you. A The same memory cannot be experienced twice – even if it keeps records photographs of the same. Live and feel the moment, only with your own. Make yours publications only after having lived them.

Breathing in the energy of the end of the year is breathing in what your eyes can see in the only moment you have, which is the present. Stop and breathe. The most important thing is to have the right people around. Choose the ones that fulfill it and connect with them.

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