How to Keep Your Home Pleasantly Scented for Longer

Como Manter a Casa Agradavelmente Perfumada Por Mais Tempo

Fresh and clean. So you want any type of perfume in our space. You know that house of your friend that always smells good? And that feeling of freshness that, as soon as you enter there, makes you realize where you really are? Now, think about what it would be like if everyone felt the same way when they entered your home. If this doesn't already happen, the idea is that, after reading this article, this will change.

It is not always an easy task to find a perfume for the home that is not too intense, but that infuses the space. However, ideally, as soon as you enter your home, you feel welcomed by the atmosphere created by a certain aroma.

But the issue of a good smell in the home is much deeper than what, a priori , it might seem to you. A scented space can have the power to influence our mood, being a real stimulant to instantly improve our state of mind and create a relaxing environment, both for those who live there and for guests.

If you were waiting for us to tell you the best scented candle to achieve all this, you can give up on the idea. From custom oil blends to room sprays , there are so many more ways to make your home feel cozy and fragrant. Keep reading to discover them.

Palo Santo

The original name of this plant is bursera graveolen , which means “sacred wood”. Many years ago, it began to be used in healing and energy cleansing sessions, being burned as incense. With a sweet scent of pine, mint and lemon, palo santo is known for its purifying qualities and is considerably cheaper than a scented candle. The biggest advantage? At the same time as it cleans the air in your space, it can create an incredibly calming ritual.

Open windows

Opening the windows is the simplest gesture of all, and it's completely free. Bringing freshness to your home, through open windows, quickly eliminates the remains of kitchen fumes or other smells that may come from other tasks we do at home. Make the entire space feel cleaner by opening the windows, even if it's just for a short time.


Potpourri is a great way to freshen the air in your home any time of year. Heat water in a small pan and add citrus herbs – lavender, rosemary and mint – for a summer scent, or make it with sliced ​​apples, orange peels, cinnamon and cloves. Set a timer to let the potpourri boil every 30 minutes, so you can tell if you need to add water or if you can turn it off now.

Room spray

Room sprays are one of the easiest ways to freshen up your space. A quick spray and your home automatically receives the fresh scent of your choice.

Essential oil diffusers

Essential oils are an incredible way to scent your home in a moderate way. If you don't know where to start and how to choose the best oils to use, read our article and discover the essential oils we have available in our online store. You should use an electric aroma diffuser to emanate the fragrance of the essential oil of your choice, constantly, through an ultrasound system, accompanied by a relaxing breeze of cold water vapor. This is one of the best options for perfuming any space, always creating a pleasant and clean atmosphere. Purchase your diffuser, through this link , in our store.

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