How to Have a Mindful Attitude at Work?

More than a philosophy, mindfulness is an attitude. However, even though it may not seem like an impossible mission to be able to practice it on a daily basis, day, the million-dollar question prevails: how can you practice mindfulness in your life? our workplace? Is it possible to achieve this on days when hustle and bustle takes over? account of us? Among thousands of emails , meetings and presentations, Will we be able to adopt this stance?

We have only one answer to all these questions: it is possible and within the reach of any of us. Being more present is fundamental to being more productive, at all levels. Mindfulness takes us to a state of peace and conscious appreciation of everything that is happening passes around us, but the good news is that practicing it does not require you to be hugging a tree in the middle of the forest or walking by the sea.

A mindful attitude at work is consistent with knowing pay attention to the actions and emotions of your present moment, being aware how what you're doing affects how you feel. If the mind sails in other ways, the important thing is to bring it back to the current focus. Do not This is a counterintuitive way of working, although it may seem like it, a Since no one slows down when they have deadlines to meet. The issue is that the speed may indeed be reduced, but this will only serve to be more aware of everything you do and, consequently, be able to be the your best version doing it, because you are totally where you need to be.

One task at a time.

Doing several things at the same time is not as productive as it seems. In fact, our brain frantically switches from one task to another, and ends up losing some data. That is, when you perform many tasks at the same time, you may feel more active, but you are not giving your best to each of them. So focus on one task at a time.

Learn to deal with stress .

There is something transversal to all jobs: the determined At this point, there will be a moment of stress . And the best way to deal with him, is to accept him. The solution is to not let him dominate you and reduce your good performance. When we are stressed, there is an increase in our heart rate and we start breathing faster – this is the impact physicality that this emotion has on us. However, we can use this to our advantage and make our emotional response more positive than negative. Become aware this state of mind can help you control it and be able to dominate it, because he stopped to try to understand it.

Emotions like panic and stress lead to bad decisions. This is an improper use of energy. Take a break, go for a walk, and try to be more of a listener than a talker. Slowing down helps us make better decisions and is one of the steps towards having a more conscious attitude at work.

Make use of reminders.

Our brain is used to getting lost in its own thoughts. This is why, in most cases, we can be fully attentive. In our usual daily activities, for For example, this is precisely what happens – we are immersed in a narrative endless dreamer. Going into autopilot mode is the same as not being fully present and awake to the opportunities. This is where the reminder – it will help you focus on the present. You can, for example, set an alarm on your cell phone. Whenever it rings, take a deep breath and make a pause to become aware of the environment around you. This way you will give a small step back, but you will be able to reflect, instead of automatically reacting to the that comes to you.

Be grateful.

We tend to be more negative than positive. AND It's much easier to focus on what failed than on something that has resulted. Precisely to counteract this, which in no way helps us evolve, it is essential to be grateful. Gratitude awakens in us a feeling of satisfaction that will be reflected in our professional relationships and in the way how we approach daily work. Always try to find the positive side of every situation and be grateful, so that everything goes more smoothly.

If you can't change something, accept it.

Being mindful is accepting the situation as it is. Practicing acceptance is accepting yourself. It is this attitude that leads to change, because it allows us to make the most of our victories, without focusing too much on feelings of guilt that sabotage more positive possibilities.

Everything is growth.

Humility is the first step to growth, in all areas of our life. When we adopt this stance towards others, we are able to accept ourselves as we are and, at the same time, be open to listening and learning from other people who work with us. Don't just focus itself, focus on the whole, which is the group.

With gratitude, acceptance and humility, we can appreciate the way others help us. Being grateful is automatically a sign of humility, as well as knowing how to see constructive criticism as a opportunity to improve. Being mindful at work is all this, living the moment and believing that every day personal and professional growth it happens.

Source: Mindfulness at work for dummies, book by Shamash Alidina and Juliet Adams.

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