How to Shift Your Energy to Manifest Greater Financial Abundance

“Money doesn’t grow on trees.” Maybe you grew up hearing expressions like this, but you probably don't realize how much it influences and controls your life. One of the biggest obstacles to using our power to manifest financial abundance is our mindset about money.

How we view this area of ​​life can be a direct reflection of how our family handles money or believes in it, but it can also reflect our society's collective consciousness and stories around prosperity. But how can we change our limiting beliefs and our mindset to be abundant? What needs to change in our energy to attract greater financial prosperity?

According to Virginia Elder, financial coach , “money is not positive or negative, it is a neutral energy until we assign it a pole”. Our thoughts and beliefs are powerful tools that can produce positive and negative vibrations. Therefore, it is important to be careful about what you choose to focus your thoughts on.


We all have different definitions of abundance because our life circumstances and the belief systems we have around money vary. For some people, money may come to mind in a specific desirable amount; for others, perhaps it comes with a feeling of freedom.

True abundance is an inside job: having a feeling that we are already abundant. How we think about money leads to how we feel about it, and that feeling emits an energy — the energy responsible for helping us attract or deflect our chances of increasing earnings. If we want to use our energy to have more financial freedom, we need to clear our thoughts and beliefs about money. This is how we eliminate the blocks that prevent us from thriving. The first step? Be aware of them.


When it comes to manifesting abundance, one of the biggest obstacles to achieving it is having a lack mentality: believing that you will never have enough, that you will never be enough or that there is a lot of lack in the world.

Another blockage is believing that when you have a lot of money you are superior to others in some way, or associating money with negative qualities. Thoughts of this type, based on scarcity, constitute a limit to the ability to earn. The belief that there is no room for us all to be abundant is also an impediment to the natural flow of prosperity.


1. Become aware of your fears and beliefs

Being afraid of money or seeing it as negative energy sabotages your ability to increase your finances. Realize which destructive patterns dominate your thoughts and actions when it comes to this area of ​​life, so you can replace them with a more positive mindset.

Whenever you notice limiting thoughts around money, forgive yourself and consciously choose to see it differently. Understand what financial experiences from your past gave rise to your current way of thinking and try to understand how this interferes with your success.

The choice to take advantage of the present moment to think and act differently is completely yours. Choose to look at money through the lens of love.

2. Respect your money

Your financial blockage originates from an energy blockage. Start clearing the energetic connection with your abundance by cleaning your wallet (or buying a new one), freeing it from papers and cards that you don't need and that only cause blockages. This way, you will make a statement to the Universe that you are ready to receive more money.

3. Say prayers and train your mind

Prayer is a way to change energy and attract what you want. Include a prayer to attract abundance into your routine and let your negative thoughts dissipate.

It is important to adopt daily practices that help train your mind to respond favorably in relation to financial abundance: saying affirmations, meditating, questioning yourself, etc. Set aside time every day to connect your mind with a new and positive financial project.


Every aspect of your life is worthy of abundance in the truest sense of the word. We are abundant when we achieve balance in everything in our lives and in the best possible way, learning to give first, to receive later.

If you look at abundance with a new meaning and can discover it within yourself, there will be no limits to the incredible life you can still live.

Sources: Mindbodygreen and Gabby Bernstein

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