Learn How to Better Deal with Menstrual Cramps

Saiba Como Lidar Melhor Com as Cólicas Menstruais

Menstruation. Today, once again, we are going to talk to you about this small part of a woman's life, but from a point of view that has not yet been addressed: after all, how can we learn to make this phase a less painful period?

Let's start with parts. The first menstruation (menarche) usually appears between the ages of 12 and 13, but it can appear later or earlier. Every 28 days, our body enters a process in which it prepares for pregnancy. When fertilization does not occur during the menstrual cycle, menstruation appears. For three to five days, our body expels, in the form of hemorrhage, the unfertilized egg and the lining of the uterus.

This process may not be easy. If you usually experience abdominal pain, a swollen belly, headaches or mood changes before and during your period, this is normal, but know that there are ways to alleviate these signs. First, having a positive mindset is the key to better accepting this time of the month. Breathe deeply! Menstrual flow is usually heaviest in the first two days. Its quantity is considered normal if the blood expelled has a quantity of 30 to 80 ml — which corresponds to 2/4 tablespoons.

Normally associated with heavy bleeding comes pain (those that sometimes prevent us from leaving the house). And if you are someone who has to miss school or work because your period leaves you incapacitated, the best thing to do is go to your gynecologist, as this is not supposed to be the case every month. But don't worry: sometimes a heavier flow than normal doesn't mean there's a problem. It may be merely a personal characteristic or even hereditary.

Menstrual pain varies from person to person. Women often resort to a hormonal concentration, such as the pill, to relieve them. But the problem is not always resolved in this way, as in most cases dysmenorrhea (abdominal pain that appears before or during menstruation) returns when, for some reason, this contraceptive method is stopped.

Therefore, there are some practices to alleviate pain at home. One of the main pieces of advice is to warm up the pelvic area, something that can be done with a heating pad, a hot bath or even a simple abdominal massage. It is also advised to have a healthy lifestyle. Exercising regularly, practicing yoga , having a healthy and nutritious diet and reducing the consumption of salt, alcohol, caffeine and sugar are some of the examples to follow.

Also remember one of the most important pieces of advice we will give you here: (always!) use the most comfortable and suitable feminine hygiene product for you. Sanitary pads, tampons and menstrual cups are the options currently on the market. But there is also absorbent lingerie that will allow you to give up all those products that can, not infrequently, be truly uncomfortable.

The sanitary napkin is more practical to use, as it is an external protection product that absorbs menstrual flow once it has left the body. Many gynecologists do not advise women to sleep with a tampon at night, as it is likely that we will go several hours without changing it. The menstrual cup , in turn, recently appeared on the market and is the most ecological product, compared to the other options. Even if you haven't started your sex life yet, this turns out to be an excellent option, as it is available in various sizes.

And because it can never be emphasized enough, remember: if even with some type of medication or with these tips that we now suggest, your period continues to be unbearable, contact your doctor to find a solution that is best suited for your well-being. Life wants you to be happy, so how about we change what we can to achieve that?

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