How to Align With the Energy of Prosperity?

Como se Alinhar Com a Energia da Prosperidade?

Why are some people naturally prosperous and others are not? People who easily attract prosperity are able to understand that there are many ways to feel rich that have nothing to do with financial wealth. Are you capable of considering yourself rich in certain areas of your life that are not related to money?

To prosper, we must not focus on what we don't have, but rather appreciate what is already working well for us. Focusing on what we are grateful for will help us live a more soulful life and attract the energy of prosperity.

What is prosperity?

There are several definitions of prosperity and each person will have their own idea of ​​what it means to be prosperous.

Most of us associate money with prosperity, but money is simply a form of energy and a symbol of prosperity in our physical world. It is a prosperity meter, but it is not a synonym in the true sense of the word.

There are many things that come into play to attract a more prosperous reality. And from a spiritual perspective, we need to align ourselves with this energy so that it manifests in our lives.

Don't worry about what you can't control.

Prosperous people don't worry about what they can't control. Worrying is a bad financial planning strategy and can also lead to bad economic decisions. Instead, when you start to feel worried about money, try adopting a contemplative practice like meditation, yoga or walking in nature. Focus on the things that make you feel grateful to reduce your stress levels.


If you can't imagine something happening in your life, it most likely won't happen. We must be able to see our objective achieved clearly and with conviction. To do this, we need time, patience and perseverance.

First we must feel fulfilled inside, so that only then can we see what we desire — this is the first step to aligning with the energy of prosperity.

Eliminate negative thoughts.

Whenever you have negative thoughts, your vibration drops. Prosperity exists at a higher vibration and comes when you feel happy, positive and energetic. Therefore, it is very important that, before anything else, you dedicate yourself to raising your vibration to reach the frequency of good things. When you emit a vibration of prosperity, the Universe gives you more situations where you can prosper.

Don't focus on the lack.

Our mind always looks for what is missing. Result: our focus is on scarcity. Focus on the abundance that is already part of your life (love, kindness, food, wisdom, etc.). We receive what we give and what we emit. If you feel abundant with what you have right now, you will receive more of that happiness.

Vibrate in love.

Love life, love what you do, love your family, love who you are, the planet and the Universe. Love is the highest vibration and will help you naturally tune in to the vibration of prosperity.

The energy in your favor

Whenever we lay our head on the pillow, we have the opportunity to connect with the true essence of the Universe. Have you ever made a wish when falling asleep? Have you set your intention or asked the Universe to show you a picture of the future you want? All of this can help you feel like you're closer to achieving what you really want.

Whatever your desire, assure yourself that you are on the right path to manifesting abundance, health, wealth and happiness. Pay attention to the signs, control your mind and take command of what could be a magnificent path of dreams come true.

Sources: Nanice Ellis and Sarah Prout

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