Homemade Vegan Pasta

Today we show you how to prepare homemade vegan pasta in a simple and quick way. There is also the option of green spinach pasta. The choice is, as always, in your hands.

Ingredients for homemade dough:

1 cup of gluten-free flour (150 g);

1 cup of semolina flour (150 g) or more regular flour;

1/2 teaspoon of salt;

3/4 cup of water (150 ml);

2 spoons of olive oil.

Spinach Pasta (optional):

80 g of fresh or frozen spinach.

Preparation method:

Mix the flour, semolina flour and salt in a bowl. Mix well and add the mixture to the water and olive oil, until it becomes a homogeneous mixture;

Transfer to a workable surface and knead until you have a soft, smooth dough, about 8-10 minutes. (Add more flour if the dough is too wet; add more water if it is too dry);

Form a ball, wrap it in aluminum foil and leave it in the fridge for half an hour;

After the dough has been refrigerated, cut it into two equal portions;

Place a portion on a floured work surface and remove it with a rolling pin;

Sprinkle with more flour (to prevent it from sticking) and roll it lightly. Use a very sharp knife and cut the roll into strips;

Continue the same process with the next portion of dough;

To cook, bring a large pan of salted water to a boil. Add the pasta and cook until tender, about 3-4 minutes.

Serve with your favorite pesto or sauce.

To make spinach pasta (optional):

Cook fresh spinach for about 1 or 2 minutes (or thaw frozen spinach). Then squeeze and mix together with about 1/3 - 1/2 cup of water. Use this spinach mixture instead of just water in step 1 (make the dough) and continue with the recipe. Enjoy!

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