Homemade Meals: Take Care of Your Skin Before Summer Vacation

When we talk about mothers, the image of our grandmother or older aunt comes to mind. These are homemade recipes, based on popular knowledge and which have been passed down from generation to generation. There are remedies for everything: hair, flu, stomach aches.

They are believed to have highly beneficial properties and are sometimes worth more than medicines or products purchased at the pharmacy. The truth is that, in our grandparents' time, there wasn't the endless range of creams, shampoos and medicines that there are today and people healed and "moisturized" anyway. Did you know that, in the past, a toothache could be cured with a glass of burning water?

Today, even though they are used by fewer people and less frequently, homemade meals are still very popular, not only because of the ease with which we have access to them but also because they are very affordable. We suggest five different recipes to make at home and take care of your skin (we have one for each different goal).

Remove makeup

For a good homemade makeup remover, we have a cucumber-based recipe. Place the diced cucumber in a container, add water and let it boil for 15 minutes. With the help of a blender or magic wand, grind until it forms a paste. Lastly add a few drops of sweet almond oil. If you have any leftovers, you can save them and use them, it won't get ruined.

Improve pimples

If you have some pimples and want to wake up with cleaner, healthier skin, this is the ideal mask to alleviate this problem. Made from honey and cinnamon, it will work overnight and guarantee you better skin the next morning.

In a clean, dry container, place a tablespoon of cinnamon powder and add two teaspoons of honey. Stir until you get a thick paste. Wash your face, put on the mask and let it act for 15 minutes. At the end, wash your face to remove the paste, finish with a toner and a moisturizer.

Lighten the skin

A mask made with apple cider vinegar and onion to help combat some skin blemishes.

Cut an onion in half and soak it in half a cup of apple cider vinegar. Wait for the onion to absorb the vinegar well. When you see that it is already there, rub the onion over the stains and let it work. Wash your face with water and moisturize your skin. To see results, repeat this procedure once or twice a week.


Now that the cold has set in, your skin is fresh and sometimes becomes very dry and dehydrated. Mix natural yogurt with a tablespoon of honey. Place it on your face and leave it on for about twenty minutes. Finally, remove with cold water and moisturize the skin with a fat cream.


Exfoliating your skin is a habit we should all have to remove dead skin and help our skin renew itself. With the help of granulated coffee and moisturizing cream we will form a mask. Just mix the two ingredients, place on your face and massage gently in circular movements. Remove with warm water and moisturize your face.

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