Home Office. Make Your Home a Productive Place to Work

Teleworking. This is just one of the words of the moment. Since most of us are working from home, we need to make the most of our new working environment and transform our space into as productive and cozy a place as possible.

Let's start with the best part: no need to move. This is one of the biggest advantages of teleworking, but at the same time, it is still a trap. This is because, since you no longer have the physical experience of leaving home and returning at the end of the day, It becomes much more complicated to know where your professional life ends and where personal life begins. The secret is to create an environment that allows you achieve a state of focus, without constant distractions.

Working from home, she is not confined to the conventional regime that ties her to an office chair from 9am to 6pm. It's your house. Therefore, you have complete freedom to create more productive energy for your mind and body. Observe yourself and ask yourself when you feel most creative and have the greatest power to concentrate. Then, knowing what results, eliminate everything that could distract you and start by keeping the entire space clean and tidy.

Rule number 1: avoid pajamas.

Being in pajamas is a bad habit for anyone who wants to be productive. Waking up, having breakfast and going straight to the computer is not a good start. Get up and get ready for a regular workday, every day. Otherwise, you'll get distracted, lose track of time and panic when you unexpectedly need to prepare for a video call. Wearing that outfit that makes you feel more confident and professional can help you handle the work at hand more productively.

You have a space designated solely for work.

If you have a separate room that can be used as a home office, great. Remember that your workspace should be completely unique to you. In this place, dedicate yourself to professional tasks and nothing else. This way, your mind will be free to focus on your family or personal life when you leave this space. Everything is a matter of organization, even if your house is small. The important thing is to know how to separate activities and redefine your home office.

No neglect meals.

When it's time to eat, arrange all your work items and enjoy your meal without mobile devices.


I would be surprised if know the good that a break can do for you. It's hard to remember do it regularly, but make an effort. Reduce eye strain by following the rule 20-20-20: Every twenty minutes, stop looking at your computer screen. Look to something 20 meters away for 20 seconds.

In signal to the mind.

Delineating the beginning and end of the work day may not be easy at first. Start by “informing” your physical senses – vision, hearing and smell – about when to concentrate. How to do it? It's simple. Put on some ambient music (whichever is best for you) so that you intuitively signal your mind that it's time to work. Perfuming the space – whether with a candle or with perfume for the home – can also signal to your brain that it's time to focus on paperwork. You just have to discover what works best for you and what sense needs to be awakened.

Do a to-do list and commit to doing it.

Scheduling your day is a good strategy – even if you don't leave the house. And the feeling of being able to check off the tasks completed at the end of the day is priceless. So, work with purpose and don’t give up. When everything is finished, don't forget to blow out the candle, turn off the music and return to your personal life, so that you can continue to be effective on a professional level. If you follow these commandments, you will be much more productive. Word from Frederica.

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