Herdade das Barradas da Serra: a hidden paradise in Alentejo

Herdade das Barradas da Serra: um Paraíso Escondido no Alentejo

Rural tourism has absolutely irrevocable charms. The air of the countryside has been conquering purely city spirits – those who urgently ask for something to cleanse their soul. Perhaps this is the perfect opportunity to head to places that allow us to achieve a communion between balance of mind and lightness of being. Herdade das Barradas da Serra could be that ethereal destination you’ve been dreaming of.

Located at the bottom of the Grândola hills and flanked by a forest of cork oaks that seem to want to tell us stories, this is a family property. The seeds of this estate's history date back to the times when families took care of the fields, livestock, vegetable gardens and orchards, in an agricultural setting very much in the Alentejo style. Ten years ago, this essence was transformed into the hotel we know today, where you can feel tradition in every corner.

Entering this estate is breathing freedom; is to leave what weighs us down far away. We lose sight of the hours and the world we left behind where we came from, because this is the place we want to stay. Anyone who passes by will notice that the fauna and flora that paint this picture remain intact. And that, in itself, ends up winning us over.

We are talking about a retreat that does not need to be romanticized in words: the magic of this place is felt as we relax in the pool and are rocked by the sound of the sheep's bells that welcome us from a distance. But the most special thing we find here is the silence, like a sacred temple in modern times.

The hotel has ten completely restored rooms with decor essentially focused on comfort. The simplicity of the house's architecture makes it ideal for relaxing moments, taking a stroll along the various hiking trails marked by the mountains or spending time alone while feeling the kiss of the sun.

At a 15-minute distance from some of the best beaches on the Alentejo Coast, such as Praia da Aberta Nova or Praia do Carvalhal, Herdade das Barradas da Serra can be the refuge you need for a holiday for two (or with all the family). The generosity and friendliness of those who welcome us here is also part of the genetic code of this property, which we miss when it's time to leave. There is a desire to return, with our eyes set on the future, without forgetting the past.

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