Heavy Legs? Prevent This Problem Also in Winter

Have you ever had a feeling of heaviness or swelling in your legs? These unpleasant symptoms generally occur at the end of the day, but also on hotter days or when you feel more tired.

Although this is a much more frequent problem in the summer, since, due to the high temperatures characteristic of the season, vasodilation occurs (a process in which the diameter of blood vessels increases), the truth is that this is a manifestation of Venous Disease Chronicle which, as the name suggests, is chronic and evolutionary. Even after the warmer months, which is when our legs complain most, the disease is still there and progressing! That's why it's so important to take care of your legs throughout the year.

Fortunately, this problem can be avoided through easy and practical measures. Finding solutions to treat and delay the progression of this pathology that we so often call the feeling of heavy and swollen legs is important, both to improve your general well-being and to prevent the clinical condition from worsening. And, although you may not consider this to be a health problem, it is very important to prevent it and know how to deal with it, so that the silence of complaints in winter does not give rise to even worse complaints the following summer. Continue reading to discover our tips.

Wear appropriate clothing.

Wear comfortable clothes for you and your legs: choose pants that are not too tight so that they do not hinder circulation in your legs, always remembering that keeping your skin hydrated under your clothes even in winter is essential! Dehydration of the skin worsens the itching that you often feel on your legs at the end of the day.

Stay active.

It is important to stay active and exercise your joints and muscles in order to reduce leg pain during the winter. Exercising increases blood circulation, and a good workout releases the body's natural well-being compounds (happiness hormones), resulting in a reduction in the perception of pain and improving your mood, giving you a general feeling of well-being. be.

Get a massage.

Massaging the legs, in an upward direction, activates blood circulation, facilitating the flow of blood towards the heart. Look in your pharmacy for a gel-cream suitable for the feeling of heavy legs, preferably one that relieves while leaving the skin hydrated.

Hydrate yourself.

We tend to drink less water during the winter, something that can cause dehydration. Drink at least two liters of water a day.

Consult your doctor.

The feeling of heavy, swollen and painful legs can be clear manifestations of Venous Disease which, as we have seen, is a chronic and evolutionary pathology. Take advantage of a routine appointment and talk to your doctor about your leg complaints so that he or she can help you and recommend the best treatment, which may include taking a suitable venoactive agent.

All of these suggestions can help you avoid feeling heavy in the legs and slow the progression of Chronic Venous Disease during the colder months ahead. Move, eat well, hydrate, stay active and talk to your doctor or pharmacist. The health of your legs will thank you.

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