Healthy Nutella

A delicious Nutella , but with healthier ingredients? Yes! The typical Nutella , this hazelnut and chocolate cream, is one of the most consumed products around the world, whether spread on bread, put on fruit, used in desserts, or even eaten by the spoonful (admit it!). However, hazelnuts only represent around 13% of its composition, with the main ingredient being sugar and then palm oil.

This is an alternative and healthier version of Nutella , to eat in moderation. It's made with almonds instead of hazelnuts, it's sweet, creamy and the coconut sugar makes it slightly crunchy.

Ingredients: ½ cup (130g) of natural almond butter (see note*); 5 tablespoons (55g) coconut oil; 6 tablespoons (110g) of date syrup (you can also use honey or agave syrup, for example); 1 tablespoon (10g) coconut sugar; 6 tablespoons (45g) cocoa powder (raw or skimmed); A bit of salt.

Preparation method: The process couldn't be simpler. Just mix all the ingredients well and... the almond and cocoa Nutella is ready! Store in a glass container in a cool, dry place. It can also be stored in the refrigerator but it will solidify a little, given the presence of coconut oil. In this case, you can always re-melt the portion you will serve in the microwave. *Note: if you don't have natural almond butter, you can always make it at home, very simply: toast the skin-on almonds in a frying pan or in the oven for 10 to 20 minutes, at 170ºC. Place the almonds in a high-power crusher or food processor and grind, taking a few breaks to loosen the almonds stuck in the corners with the help of a salazar. Once the texture is creamy, the natural almond butter is ready.

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