Guide to a Healthy Barbecue

In summer, we feel like getting together with friends to eat some snacks and spend a relaxed day. However, when we think of barbecue, we quickly think of calorie-dense sauces and sausages.

The secret to not completely corrupting your healthy eating style is to follow this guide. This way, you will be able to please everyone.

A warning: after this sharing, the next barbecues will always be at your house.

Rule #1:

Marinate all the meats, that is, leave them seasoned for several hours before the barbecue starts. This way, the meat gains flavor. Use garlic, white wine or beer and some herbs to taste. Never add salt to the marinade, as it makes the meat tough (salt must be added immediately).

Rule #2 :

Use white meat, such as chicken.

Rule #3:

Use vegetables for grilling: courgette and thinly sliced ​​eggplant, onion, asparagus and peppers. The ideal is to have some kebabs with vegetables and some squares of meat, so the vegetables gain the flavor of the meat. Don't forget the colorful salad, essential for a barbecue .

Rule #4 :

Never eat the black streaks that form on the outside of meat/fish. The substances that form in these burnt streaks are carcinogenic. If it is unavoidable, the only way to try to minimize the risk is to eat a fairly substantial dose of salad, so that the antioxidants combat the carcinogenic compounds formed in the meat.

Rule #5:

Have pineapple or pineapple cut into thin slices for grilling. This fruit helps with the digestion of protein (thanks to bromelain, an enzyme that digests proteins) and, therefore, will help with the digestion of meat.

Rule #6:

Make use of a healthy barbecue sauce. Instead of using ready-made sauces, which are loaded with sugar, salt and fat, try making a sauce with chopped onion, tomato paste, garlic, balsamic vinegar, paprika and a little honey.

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