Heal Your Energy With Chi Kung

Work on energy. This is the translation of Chi Kung , an Asian variant of yoga that has existed for thousands of years and is spread across systems of different lineages to work in favor of our health.

According to the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, "Chi Kung presents the human being as being endowed with an energy field that extends and radiates beyond his skin", believing that "all existence is energy (the common basis of all things)".

Definition of Chi Kung

Chi Kung is a powerful type of health exercise that has been practiced for centuries by millions of Chinese people and is based on the repetition of very precise movements, specifically designed to benefit the body on several levels.

Chi (energy) Kung (mastery) is considered the art of cultivating energies, making them circulate in a balanced and harmonious way in the body. Fundamentally, the visceral objective of this practice focuses on opening certain portals, through our energy channels. Two of its key points are relaxation and deep breathing, essential prerequisites for allowing vital energy to flow.

With different types of movement – ​​some more intense and expansive, others softer and subtle – different effects are produced on the body and mind. It has been shown that a regular, in-depth practice of this art can have a powerful effect on our mind, body and spirit, reducing stress levels and allowing us to achieve a more balanced view of life's possibilities.

Within the various systems that exist, some are more focused on spiritual cultivation and the depth of meditation, involving movement, and others are based on visualization (mental technique that uses imagination, mental images, the power of thoughts and the law of attraction to achieve dreams and goals).

As a rule, all Chi Kung practices involve specialized breathing techniques, which are coordinated with the activity in question. The principle is the coordination of the eyes with the movements of the body, the focus of the mind and breathing. When it comes to more passive and movementless exercises, the vision is turned inward, in order to explore our inner side while we breathe strategically.

The importance of focus

Paying attention to the moment is a critical component to any energy-working activity. Some experts claim that the relationship between attention and intention creates control over our lives. Therefore, it is crucial to focus on the action in question, concentrating on the body movements, following them with your eyes. All of this requires mental focus and the ability to position ourselves in the present moment, something that, with training and persistence, can be achieved.

Knowing how to breathe

Our vital breath circulates through the various meridians of the body. During a meal, the energy in the air mixes with the energy in the food we eat, and this is what creates the body's functional energy. Coordinating breathing with body movements directs energy to the necessary areas and opens blockages. In other words, breathing is important not only to open these pathways and unblock them, but also to gather and store energy in specific reservoirs in the body.

Why practice Chi Kung in your daily life?

As a form of meditative exercise that focuses on posture, body movement, breathing and meditation, Chi Kung presents, according to several studies, a huge set of benefits, both physiological and psychological:

  • Improves cardiovascular and pulmonary function;
  • Protects the immune system;
  • Improves balance;
  • Increases quality of life and the ability to deal with stress ;
  • Reduces anxiety and depression.

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