Guilt-Free Truffles

Energy truffles are nothing new, right? This time, we suggest a recipe for dense, super chocolatey truffles, ready to satisfy the sweetest of sweet tooths.

And you know what else? They have no sugar spike, not a single processed food. Needless to say, they are the best ever. You can taste them and have a clear conscience.

Ingredients (for 12 small truffles):

10 soaked dates;

1 handful of skinless almonds;

1 handful of assorted seeds (sunflower, pumpkin and sesame);

3 tablespoons of raw cocoa powder;

1 tablespoon of coconut oil.

Preparation method:

Remove the pit and soak the dates for 30 minutes (minimum). Drain and wash the dates and place in a food processor along with the remaining ingredients. Grind until it forms a sticky ball.

Remove the dough and place it in the fridge for 30 minutes. Remove from the fridge and shape into small balls in the shape of a truffle/brigadeiro. Sprinkle in cocoa powder.

Serve with coffee or tea.

Note: These truffles last a long time in the refrigerator but can also be frozen.

Recipe: Samanta McMurray

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