Is Green Juice Still in Fashion?

Green juices, detox juices, functional juices. We can call them whatever we want, the truth is that fruit and vegetable juices are here to stay. Just open the fridge, mix raw fruits, vegetables and vegetables. We open the pantry door and add seeds, sprouted grains, one or another superfood, blend everything in a blender and make a wonderful juice with unbelievable antioxidant, vitamin and mineral power. The idea is simple, but the mixtures are not always perfect when it comes to flavor.

The success of juices comes, without a doubt, from the good they do for us, but above all from the fact that they are practical and tasty. Adding vegetables, greens and roots to the juice may not suit all palates. But there are some tricks that help to make the drink always very tasty and appetizing.

So that there are no excuses, we leave you with some tips:

  • If you prefer sweeter juices, opt for naturally sweet fruits and vegetables, such as banana, mango, carrot, pumpkin and beetroot;
  • The two fruits of choice that are simple to combine are apples and pineapple. They look good with almost everything;
  • Not using sweeter fruits can give the preparation a very pleasant note, using ground cinnamon or cinnamon stick infusion;
  • If you opt for arugula or watercress, add a little mint to mask the intense flavor of these leaves. The juice will also be more refreshing;
  • You can use coconut water to replace regular water as a liquid base. This ingredient makes the drink richer in minerals, tasty and naturally sweet;
  • You can use herb or fruit infusions to help give your juices an interesting flavor. Don't forget that these should always be used after they are cold so as not to cook the fruits and vegetables in the juice. To intensify the diuretic/draining action of green juices, you can opt for infusions with this potential, such as green tea, horsetail, dandelion and hibiscus;
  • When your recipe is ready, you can add ice to the blender and prepare a rich slush for hotter days! It’s delicious for an afternoon by the pool;
  • Celery, despite having a flavor that not everyone likes, also has benefits for our body. If you don't like its flavor, try masking it using other aromatic herbs, such as coriander, parsley or even basil;
  • If you like juices with creamier textures, try freezing a banana or an avocado pear in small portions and adding them to the remaining ingredients. Add quick-frozen red fruits. It looks wonderful.

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