It's already Spring. Give Your Home a Boost of Positive Energy

Já é Primavera. Dê à Sua Casa um Boost de Energias Positivas

Good morning joy. Yes, it is this last, purely positive energy that we want our home (our temple!) to drink from, every day. The way we decorate our home often reveals everything we are feeling and experiencing at a given moment in our lives.

The true paradise must be the place where we live. And there are symbolic gestures, as well as emotionally intelligent choices, that we can adopt to take the atmosphere of our home to a higher level. We need to pay more attention to the details, which are sometimes loaded with meaning, as well as the decoration choices we intend to make. It is in our hands to transform the energy that welcomes us in our daily lives. Below, take note of some tips to completely transmute the vibrations of your space.

1. Every day, improve your space.

The Kaizen philosophy, originating in Japan, tells us that everything can be improved and that this same improvement must be constant. This concept focuses on finding, every day, something to improve, and moving towards this positive change little by little, because when improvements are made continuously the result will end up being more impactful. Adding a plant, symbolic furniture or hanging a new painting to bring the area in question to life will always be a wise choice.

2. Pay attention to your living room and kitchen.

It is extremely important to choose pleasant lighting and aesthetic, but at the same time simple, furniture. The secret? You should feel like wanting to stay there, and this process begins precisely at this moment. Decorative paintings that feature paintings of landscapes or other relaxing portraits will always be a fresh choice for your living room.

3. Pay attention to colors and prefer natural fabrics.

This isn't the first time we've told you about the importance of the shades you choose to adorn your space. Colors like blue and green have a calming effect on restless people; yellow, red and orange are stimulating; Soft, warm tones promote our well-being and inner peace. When it comes to the fabrics chosen, remember that fibers that have not received chemical treatment are the healthiest (as is the case with cotton, linen and silk).

4. Your room should always be your spa.

Your bedroom is the area of ​​the house where you most easily reach fulfillment and where you feel most serene. Get inspired and decorate your sanctuary with flowers, candles and oils that give it a peaceful aroma that takes you back to your favorite places in the world. You should avoid placing mirrors in sight, so you can sleep better.

5. Keep the environment purified.

Plants are the easiest way to purify the air in our home, while making it more pleasing to the eye too. They improve our vitality and will to live, while at the same time absorbing our bad energy. Never display withered flowers, nor useless or broken objects.

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