Four Tricks to Avoid Christmas Stress

Quatro Truques Para Evitar o Stress do Natal

The Christmas season isn't just about joy and happiness — it's also about stress , anxiety and, sometimes, some frustration. The expense of buying gifts, the pressure of last-minute shopping and high expectations of family unity can undermine our best intentions.

Feelings of anxiety can become especially acute when we feel compelled to socialize and prepare holiday meals that feed the entire family. Instantly, all of this takes us back to childhood, when we felt like we needed to behave a certain way.

This Christmas, show everything you feel with naturalness and acceptance. Enjoy the end of year festivities calmly and peacefully. We have four great tips to help you.


Mindfulness is one of the best tools to combat the anxiety typical of this time. Being with family is not always as fun as we hope and can cause some turmoil. So, try the 4-7-8 breathing method: inhale for four seconds, hold your breath for seven and exhale for eight. Allow the body to return to its normal state, releasing all accumulated tension.

Make a list of things that usually calm you down (reading, walking on the beach, taking a relaxing bath, etc.) and choose one of them to do daily, until Christmas Day. After this, the first step has been taken towards having a more serene Christmas season.


Let your calendar and to-do list reflect the image of the Christmas you want to experience. Creative visualization has power. Make a board with images that represent exactly how you want to spend your Christmas 2022. Remember the people you want to be present at the table at mealtime, the sweets you'll want to taste, the family games, the fireplace lit, of the classic films you watch every year. Keep these images in mind and, if something comes up that puts into question what is really important to you and your family, allow yourself to say “no”.


Sleep is one of the greatest weapons we have to reduce anxiety. When we don't get enough sleep, the brain's emotional centers become overactive, which increases our stress levels. So, instead of staying up late, prioritize sleep. This way, you will not only keep anxiety under control, but also help your immune system stay healthy.

Use a few drops of our lavender essential oil to create a calming environment, close your eyes, and with each inhalation, think of something you are grateful for. Take time to relax and get the hours you need so you can complete your tasks with a clear head the next day.


Constantly striving to achieve perfection puts too much pressure on you. The expectation that Christmas celebrations have to be perfect and correspond exactly to what we idealized can lead to disappointment. The last year has proven to us that it's not worth making too many plans, nor is it worth wasting our energy on banalities. Know how to manage your expectations and enjoy the present moment without worrying about things that are beyond your control.

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