Flavored Waters to Stay Hydrated

It's summer and we all know this fact, but it never hurts to remember: we should drink two liters of water a day, so that we can keep our body as hydrated as possible and eliminate as many toxins as possible.

The more water we drink, the more our skin will benefit, since, being hydrated, it will be easier to reduce calories and, consequently, our weight. We thus maintain our figure, hydration and cleanliness from the inside out, through regular water consumption. However, the truth is that it is not always easy to drink sufficient and desirable amounts of water, and it is precisely to make this process easier that we come up with the solution to prepare a life-saving drink: flavored water. There are many options, and the best part is that each of them has its own advantages.

We propose some suggestions that you will like and to which you will only have to add ice. Read on to discover the four best flavors to choose from.


This option is ideal for those who do a lot of sport. Watermelon is a fruit that helps reduce our heart rate and reduces muscle pain after training, as well as increasing energy levels, thanks to the vitamin B6 and magnesium in its composition. Your skin will also thank you, as this fruit reduces the risk of damage caused by sun exposure. Add two slices of watermelon (cut into cubes), some fresh basil and half a teaspoon of orange blossom water, without forgetting the ice, to your glass of water.


One classic. To prepare this water, you only need the juice of half a lemon or even a whole lemon. Drink it every morning, as this fruit has the ability to strengthen your immune system and eliminate toxins, and is also a diuretic, helping with fluid retention. You can also opt for lemon combined with mint and cucumber, for a more detoxifying effect, regulating metabolism and digestion. In the latter case, use four lemon slices, two cucumber slices and four fresh mint leaves.


Slice an apple and prepare two cinnamon sticks to mix with the water. This formula is similar to lemon water, and is also ideal for losing weight, as it also speeds up our metabolism.

Red fruits and lemon

Half a cup of raspberries, half a cup of blackberries and half a lemon is all you need to prepare this refreshment completely dedicated to those who love red fruits, which are rich in vitamin C and take care of our skin. First, divide the fruits in half and place them in half a liter of water. Then, before drinking, let it macerate until the properties of the fruits pass into the water. Finally, just enjoy.

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