Five Reasons to Pre-Order

Cinco Razões Para Comprar em Pré-Venda

A pre-sale system in online stores can be very advantageous, being one of the most sustainable ways to buy fashion. It's because? Because placing a pre-order refers to ordering a product before it is produced. In other words, whenever we place an order of this type, we are purchasing something that has not yet been made, but which we will obtain as soon as production is completed.

This purchasing model is very beneficial, both for brands and customers, but mainly for the environment. Read on and learn about the main reasons why pre-ordering can be considered one of the most sustainable ways to shop online.


The fashion industry largely operates on a model that requires brands to estimate the number of pieces they will sell. Despite all the available data that brands have today, these estimates are still just that: estimates. These are just guesses, something that makes this model significantly unsustainable and unreliable.

Following product demand up to the minute, the pre-order system is not based on estimates, allowing brands to have a real idea of ​​what their sales will be like.

Generally, a conventional form of production means excess production. Brands that estimate their sales tend to prepare for the best possible purchasing scenario. However, each year this means that around 30% of the clothes produced will not be sold. Considering the quantities of textiles that end up in landfills, this practice is highly harmful to the planet.

The pre-order system avoids all these problems and only produces what will be sold. By minimizing the risk of wasting new fashion items, it presents a much more conscious environmental choice.


Mass production of items requires stock, so that the product reaches stores in the estimated quantities. By choosing to work with a pre-sales system, the seller will be able to control their expenses and stock much better, making this a smarter financial choice, especially for small brands (they run the risk of not selling the items produced, They may also be unable to pay for large quantities of merchandise).


All impulsive behavior is harmful to human well-being. Due to the fact that there is a longer waiting time between purchasing and receiving the product, there is less chance that this purchase will be made impulsively, preventing the buyer from regretting it later. Instead, this system encourages conscious and considered purchasing.

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