Five Boosters for Mind, Body and Spirit

Cinco Boosters Para a Mente, o Corpo e o Espírito

Here is a revolutionary idea: our body is, according to several experts in the spiritual and holistic field, made up of four distinct parts – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Although three of them seem intangible, the reality is that they also constitute a physical presence. Most importantly: we must take care of all parts to protect the whole.

It’s essential to capture some of the radiant energy that the outdoors offers. The perks? A higher spirit, an ideal living space for the season and an instant dose of positivity. Keep up to date with our tips and get ready to light up your life.

1. Find your light.

Take a quick walk around your house. Which spots receive the most natural light? The simplest way to enjoy a feeling of sunshine is to work with the light we receive. If you're lucky enough to have lots of windows, take advantage of them. Consider rearranging your furniture to give even more sunlight into your home.

If your lighting is limited, you can create the illusion that it is larger by adding mirrors or layers of textural elements, like plants and natural fabrics, that point outward. If your decor revolves around rich, heavy elements like dark velvets and moody tones, consider swapping them out for small elements like airy linen curtains and fresh flowers. Having some areas where you can change the decor can make a big difference in creating a happier atmosphere.

2. Seasonal scents.

Now that your surroundings are full of light and vibrant, think about other ways to interact with your home. Does it smell like happiness? Do you feel a positive vibe every time you open the door and breathe? Fragrances can act as an instant mood booster, instantly putting you in an upbeat mood. Citrus scents are the ultimate energizer, bringing a boost to every inhale. For a real dose of upbeat attitude, look for fragrances with light, cheerful floral scents.

3. Eat well to be happier.

Use food to improve your mood! That's right. Researchers have found that a plant-rich diet can give us a big dose of happiness. So while you may think eating your favorite sweet treats is cheering you up, opting for veggies will make you feel better for longer, in body and soul.

4. Salute the sun with yoga .

Any yoga practice has the benefit of helping you feel more present and centered in your day. If you have already tried this activity, you have probably already done a Sun salutation. There are dozens of variations of this energizing sequence, but they are all connected with the idea of ​​paying homage to this star that illuminates us daily. Practicing yoga every morning brings a myriad of benefits, from toning and strengthening muscles to improving digestion and kidney function, stimulating prana (Sanskrit term for our vital force).

5. It's all in the attitude.

The ultimate secret to achieving a radiant disposition? It's all in your approach. Cultivate positivity in the way you approach life. It may sound strange, but happiness really is about the little things, whether it's starting your day with meditation, taking a few minutes every day to cherish meaningful moments in your life, or exploring a joy-inducing creative pursuit. Look inside yourself to discover what makes you feel light and sunny and take the time to make it all an integral part of your daily routine.

Article adapted from Rituals Magazine.

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