Let Your Home Breathe With Feng Shui

Feng Shui is an ancient art developed in Asia that allows the verification of the cardinal sectors that have positive and/or negative energy within properties.

We know that there are eight cardinal sectors: south, southwest, west, northwest, north, northeast, east and southeast. Each one occupies 45º of the 360º on the compass. Houses have different layouts and, as such, a certain part of a house can be located to the west and another to the south, with the same place having permanent conflict energy and, at the same time, another part with 20-year cyclical energy. that generates harmony.

Energy time

All energies that generate positive and negative results have different durability. There are permanent ones which, as the name suggests, are permanently within the sectors; cyclical ones , which last for 20 years to produce results in a given location; and annual ones, which change every year. All are within the cardinal sectors.

To find the specific energy map of your home, you need to know the year of construction and the magnetic degrees of the property's facade.

There are energies that generate health, prosperity, well-being, good relationships, stress , violence, third parties in relationships, among many others. To identify the exact location where these longer-lasting vibrations (permanent and cyclical) are located, you need to know which traditional Feng Shui map is associated with the property where you live or work.


Things have to be placed in the right places according to the energy present there.

The good news is the fact that you can activate or rectify every energy in your home, because each energy belongs to one of the five elements of Nature. If the energy is positive, it becomes stronger; If it is harmful, it is rectified through the insertion of materials of color and shape appropriate to the energy present in the place, through bedspreads, cushions, floors, benches, curtains and many other items.

Just like in acupuncture, where needles have to be placed in the right places, in traditional Feng Shui things have to be placed in the right places according to the energy present there.

Some visible rules:

In Feng Shui there are some visible rules that do not identify energies, but that must be taken into account. Here are some tips:

  • Do not sleep with your head facing the outside where there are rivers, sea or swimming pools;
  • Don't cook with your back to a door;
  • Don't place a sofa with its back to a door;
  • Do not stand under a beam.

Text: Cláudia Machado de Castro (master in traditional Feng Shui).
Website: http://www.fengshuiportugal.com

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