Everything You Need to Know About the Menstrual Cup

Your period is a reminder of the fantastic woman you are, with a physiology as complex as it is fascinating. We know that, if for some of us, the period is a peaceful phase, for others, it can represent an exhausting process – physically and mentally – with different ups and downs in mood and energy levels.

The good news is that a menstrual cup can be a real blessing during the days you have your period. And being too used to tampons and sanitary pads is no excuse for not trying to integrate this revolutionary element into your life.

Perfect for saving money on trips to the supermarket and great for contributing to a more sustainable lifestyle, the menstrual cup fits impeccably with your desire to save money and reduce waste, representing a healthy, practical, economical and ecological solution. Many advantages in a single product, right?

What is a menstrual cup?

The menstrual cup is a barrier device, designed to collect menstruation internally, being inserted into the vagina. Unlike the other options (pads and tampons), the cup receives the flow, instead of absorbing it.

This feminine intimate hygiene product is small, flexible, reusable and funnel-shaped, lasting from five to ten years.
Menstrual cups can hold more blood than other methods, and depending on your flow, you can use one cup for up to 12 hours. Even if you have a lot of menstrual flow, the cup will not be full.

To switch to the menstrual cup or not?

Many of us, as an integral part of a Latin culture – which still presents social and cultural barriers that limit us – are reticent when the subject involves changing already rooted customs. When it comes to changing, indecision sets in and sometimes we end up not taking a step that could be decisive in our lives.

The reactions of those who look at this utensil for the first time are divided: on the one hand we have those who look away at the minute; on the other, we have women who question themselves, who give you the benefit of the doubt and who, once they try it, never look back. What happens is that, in practice, this object, despite seeming bizarre, can actually transform the lives of many of us, especially because tampons and pads cause a lot of irritation, something that may be due to the presence of chemicals in its composition.

These are the main advantages that this method can bring you:

  • The menstrual cup has an anti-allergy certificate, in addition to having a durability of ten years, and can be used for up to twelve hours without emptying, whereas, in the case of tampons, we must change them between four and five times;

  • Unlike tampons, the menstrual cup does not dry out the vagina, something that preserves the healthy bacteria that protect us against vaginal infections;

  • The menstrual cup is not associated with Toxic Shock Syndrome, which is a rare and life-threatening condition associated with tampon use;

  • Does not contain chemicals found in tampons and pads;

  • Because it is inside a cup and is not exposed to air, the vaginal fluid no longer has an odor;

  • Many women say they don't feel like they're using it;
  • It is an ecological product.

Enna Cycle: the game-changing menstrual cup

Naturally antibacterial and made from clinical quality biodegradable silicone, fully compatible with the body, the Enna Cycle menstrual cup does not cause any type of adverse reaction, especially because it does not contain any chemical substances.

Semi-organic, this cup does not absorb or expel anything from our body, in addition to having biocompatibility properties, not oxidizing. Contrary to what many of us might think, the cup doesn't feel when we're using it.

Before we start using the cup, the first step is to sterilize it, between three and five minutes maximum. Then, just fold it, get into a comfortable position and insert it. After twelve hours – away from flow leaks and worries –, the procedure consists of removing it with the help of the thread, washing it and leaving the glass to dry.

After the learning phase, the aim is for you to be able to use the menstrual cup without pain, without feeling it and without the risk of leaks.

Purchase your menstrual cup in our online store .

To start your journey into the world of menstrual cups, the Enna Cycle cup is one of your best options, as it has been completely designed to adapt to your lifestyle and respect your intimate balance to the fullest.

It's soft, flexible, very easy to use, and is the only menstrual cup that features a guide wire for easy extraction, as well as a compact design that folds, so you can take it with you anywhere (the packaging contains the box to sterilize and store the cup and also an extra cup, so you always have a spare when traveling). You can purchase yours on our Frederica online , through this link . And don't worry: if you don't adapt to using the cup, you can benefit from a six-month exchange guarantee.

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