Oat Porridge

Rushed mornings? Every day of the week? There are no more excuses. From now on, this recipe will make your mornings easier, every day of the week! It's a recipe that can be made with several ingredients, as long as the base contains oats, chia and any liquid you like that won't spoil over the course of the week. Super easy and tasty, it keeps in the fridge all week! And for those who like fresh breakfasts, it is divine.

Ingredients for 1 person (5 days):

300g of oat flakes;

4 tablespoons of chia;

500ml almond milk (or other);

200ml of water;

1 tablespoon of cinnamon.

Topping options:


Fresh fruit;

Dry fruits.

Preparation method:

Place the oats, chia and cinnamon in an airtight 1 liter jar. Mix well and add the milk and water;

Mix all the ingredients very well. Always leave a space of about 2 fingers in the bottle as the mixture will swell and grow;

Store in the fridge and it will be ready to eat the next day.

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