These Are the Foods You Need to Eat to Get a Perfect Tan

Estes São os Alimentos Que Tem de Comer Para Ter um Bronzeado Perfeito

Less time on the beach towel; more time in the kitchen. You read that right! If you love sunbathing, then it's important that you know what you need to eat before stepping onto the sand and lying back on the lounger. There are several foods that can help protect your skin – without the sun, without a solarium and without self-tanner –, thanks to their nutrients, which help increase the skin's antioxidant levels and protect it against damage from the sun's rays.

Contrary to what you might think, not only orange fruits and vegetables can help you tan, as dark greens – kale, spinach and lettuce – are also known for their tan-enhancing abilities, as which contain large amounts of beta-carotene. We've gathered the best foods to help you on this enlightened beauty mission. To find out, below.

Orange, grapefruit and kiwi

Rich in vitamin C, these foods are a huge help in maintaining a perfect tan, as they help to slow down free radicals responsible for premature skin aging.


The omega-3 fatty acids found in walnuts are great for tanning, as they improve the elasticity of cell membranes and balance the hormones responsible for hydration and fat deposits in the dermis.


Spinach is very rich in beta-carotene – a strongly colored pigment that is converted by the human body into vitamin A, an essential substance for skin health –, containing antioxidant and regenerative properties.

Carrot, pumpkin and sweet potato

These foods also contain large amounts of beta-carotene. According to some research, they all improve the color of our skin, since, when we eat a lot of products rich in carotenoids, what is in excess of this last substance is stored in the fat just below the skin, where the pigments lurk and in us. provide a healthy glow. But their advantages don't stop there, as these foods also prevent wrinkles caused by excess sun exposure.

Strawberry, cherry, tomato, watermelon

These foods provide us with large amounts of vitamin C, which has antioxidant properties and strengthens the immune system, leaving the skin looking bright. These four foods also provide the body with vitamin A, protecting the skin's suppleness and helping it fight against a dehydrated appearance. Lycopene is also an antioxidant present in this fruit, something that makes it very effective in keeping skin radiant.

Tea and red wine

These products provide polyphenols, bioactive nutrients that, in addition to other functions, combat the signs of premature aging, preventing the spread of free radicals caused by external factors and, therefore, helping to keep the skin healthy and luminous, paving the way for a perfect tan. .

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